Time askew

What is the server you're running Channels DVR on?

One thing I'm not sure of is if the device running the web browser used to look at the guide has to also have the correct time and time zone set?

Something you can try.
I have a paused pass setup so I can enter a channel and see what's coming up on it.
Use the channel number for one of the problem channels and see what comes up in the Matches tab.

Tried that. What shows is what shows in the guide. It's like when the guide is refreshed, it's starting from a time 2 hours from now. The empty spaces in the guide are just as if the channel doesn't exist at that time.
About to (hopefully) revive an old PC and load Channels on it to try to isolate. I was hoping for a little more help from the developers, though I appreciate your suggestions chDVRuser.

Maybe a channel number conflict could cause this

Hi, yeah saw your mention re: channel-id before. I'll remove all providers except FiOS and do the delete/recreate refresh and see what happens. Still is weird to me this started happening out of the blue.

Yeah, things always work, until they don't. Like we need something to do, trying to figure out what went wrong!

The guide database is sensitive to channel number overlaps I think, separately from channel-id.

OK - after removing all but the cable provider, guide displays OK. So I will add back providers until I see the error again.
In case of a channel overlap, that's something I need to resolve in the M3U/xml files, right?

I would also like to know, but he said channel number overlaps.
I assume that means you should let Channels DVR assign channel numbers for your sources, instead of telling it to use the channel numbers in your m3u's (which could result in duplication/overlap).


Well I added back the FiOS TVE and the guide is still working properly. So I suppose the issue is resolved.
Though somebody mentioned a setting to let Channels assign the channel number (which I thought it was doing already) but I can't find such setting, can anyone point me to it?

For custom m3u sources, using this setting will let Channels DVR assign the channel numbers.

Thanks. So I added back the Samsung TV Plus channels, with the ignore channel-number option set. So I have the FiOS cable channels, FiOS TVE which take the 6000-6999 range, and the TVPlus channels which have the 9000-9999 range, though only uses up to 9326. After a reload the channel guide still looked OK, we'll see after the next overall refresh how it looks.

So it happened again. With just the FiOS cable lineup, the FiOS TVE, and the Samsung Plus 'custom channels'. Took off the Samsung, refreshed, guide was then OK.
So is there a log of when a conflict occurs when loading the guide? In the Logs directory I see folders for recording and comskip. Neither seems to reveal when this problem occurs. There are something like 327 channels in the Samsung TV+ list so I'd rather not have to trial-and-error my way to figuring which one(s). The 'ignore channel number' option is enabled.