Timeline huge font after latest update

@maddox you closed these threads so I’ll start a new one.

Timeline looks hideous now. It covers up the done button, font is massive. Is this the look you’re going for? This is how it looks watching live hdhr and tve shows.

This is how it looks watching a recording

Latest beta app and server from a remote connection.
diagnostic log submitted under 577c3a55-8e39-4f90-8a43-ef3b9199f186

Additionally, in the second picture the timeline shows 11:00 on the left and 12:00 on right. What does that even mean? That show ends at 11:30, the screenshot was taken at 11:29. The first pic shows the next show at 11:30-1230 which I guess is right.

Thanks. We know, we'll get it handled, probably tomorrow. It's just a bug from the latest change.

Of course not, lol.

A post was split to a new topic: Resume Not Working Correctly Since Recent Beta Update

It represents time. The play head (when you're caught up to live) is positioned at the current time.

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Fixed in the latest TestFlight beta: