Timeline won't hide when PIP button is selected

Has anyone confirmed the latest beta fixes the issue? I tried it and for me when button is focused, it just flashes and the timeline never hides.

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Welp, you're right. Sorry about this. We'll take a look at it next week and get it actually fixed.


Any updates on this? I tried the latest Beta (10.11.352) last night and the issue with the timeline not hiding is still occurring.

Yes, it's still keeping the timeline from hiding.

Any updates on this? It's been over two months now and this issue is still occurring.

I have a video example of this as well.


I use the logitech remote and nothing has changed on that end. You can see in the video towards the end that the timeline is actually trying to hide repeatetly, but does not until I push the down button.

I have submitted several diagnostic logs of the timeline not hiding and app crashing when trying to switch pip screens.


Hopefully now that the new "fall update" for the server has been released, the devs can focus on outstanding bugs like this one...

I usually give bugs some time to get fixed, but when the wife starts complaining you know its taking to long!


I’ve also noticed on my AppleTVs that if there is some sort of “blip” (like it needs to buffer), the timeline pops up with the focus on PIP - so the timeline then doesn’t go away. This seems to happen only on one that is connected via WiFi; wired Ethernet is not a possibility at that location.

It's been almost four months now and aside from one tweak back in September which didn't work, I haven't seen any progress since. Is this still being worked on?

We've poked at it quite a few times and it's eluding us.

Our current suggestion is to disable PIP if you're running into this issue a lot.

I do use the PIP feature, so disabling it entirely as a workaround to this issue would make it annoying to go into the settings to enable/disable all the time.

Has there been any thought or experimentation of moving the PIP button into the "swipe down/top menu" screen? (like where the audio tracks, subtitles, etc is?) That would still make the feature easy to activate when wanted, but not have the hovering button which keeps getting activated causing the timeline to stay on the screen. As a bonus, it would be a cleaner look! (I always thought the circle hovering above the timeline felt out of place anyways)

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can confirm similar activity using the logitech remote. I find if I'm FFW, the timeline stays up and I have to press the down arrrow to get it to go away.

Here are four mock-ups of different ways the PIP button could be moved into the drop down menu which would give the app a cleaner look, and most likely solve the annoying issue of the selection causing the timeline to stay on the screen.


@maddox and @tmm1 , what do I need to do to move some of these issues higher on the list? This has been going on now for months without a lot of transparency if anytihng is being done. If this app were free or these feature were undocumented I could understand. But at this point the WAF has gone down considerably, and its very dissapointing that these nagging bugs are not being addressed.

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Hey everyone, the latest TestFlight takes another stab at solving this PIP issue that arose since the tvOS 17 update. Please grab it and live with it and let me know if it solves it.

  1. PIP button will still keep the timeline showing as long as it is focused. This is correct behavior so things don't disappear from under you clicking it.
  2. The PIP button should not gain focus by just seeking anymore, the real bug.

So far so good! It hasn't appeared during my TV watching tonight! Thanks for your help!



Channels 5.8 for Apple TV & iOS has fully resolved this issue. Thank you!!

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