Title CONTAINS not doing what I expected

I have an advanced pass set up for anything new with James May in the title.

Title CONTAINS James May

There is a new series coming up called "James May's Great Explorers" but my advanced pass didn't pick it up.

I have had to add

Title CONTAINS James May's

to the pass before it found it. Surely "James May's Great Explorers" contains "James May"?

It does not recognize partial words So May will not work but May's will.... I have run into this many times. The same thing with Genres.

Example Title CONTAINS Star Tre .... Finds Nothing

Example Title CONTAINS Star Trek ... Finds 70

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Ah, that's a shame, I had presumed it was literally a text string contains comparison, not contains complete words.

Thanks for clarifying though I will have to make sure I put in all potential options in future.

I know Contains means just that it contains whatever I type not literally full words.... It is confusing.

My Star Trek above is an example of what should be but isn't.


Weird I'll check it out

That would be great for Title, EpisodeTitle, EventTitle, Categories, Genres, Directors, Cast and Summary.
Not so good with SeriesID, Channel, Time, SeasonNumber and TeamIDs.