TIVO alternative?

Longtime TIVO enthusiast tired of trying to fix boxes and replace HD. Thinking of changing to Channels TV with possible NAS server. Any way to record while streaming from TIVO? We have a huge library on TIVO and hate to lose it all.

Anyone has history of doing a similar changover?

Any input would be great -

Owner of 5 tivo boxes

There are some software tools that can download your recordings from a TiVo. Way back when, I remember using KMTTG (well, the previous iteration of it) to download recordings onto my computer. There is also pyTivo, which I believe has surpassed the older app. (Do note that DRMed cable recordings cannot be downloaded.) You can then take these recordings and import them into Channels.

You can use an HDMI encoder/streamer to record the TiVo's output in realtime, and then import it into Channels, but I would recommend using software to download the content when possible (mostly for the expediency).

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Thank you for the advice. We have downloaded some of the recordings - I will see if I can import them to channels. I will look into pyTivo as well. Thanks again - have you enjoyed using channels?

You should look into using pyTivo Desktop to download from your TiVo.
If you have a Roamio or Premiere, it can download the recordings glitch free.
With a Bolt or later, it may not be able to.

All TiVos cause glitches in a downloaded recording when you download in transport stream format (but not program stream). There are threads going back many years on the TCF forum discussing this.


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