TiVo Stream 4K & Button Mapper for Remote

TL;DR, inside the Channels App the Guide button does what you want; outside it won't work. Just map the DVR button to launch the Channels App then hit Guide, you'll be fine. You can also make the Client Setting to always go to Guide on "App Launch & Resume" so it becomes your default:

Button Mapper does not recognize the Live button, so nothing can be done there. I blame TiVo/Rovi/Xperi.

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The remote no longer works for guide, or tivo/silver button hijacking anymore.

You're late to the party. It was removed from the stable version to allow for continued Play Store distribution. The beta app which you can sideload/install from the stable release version still has the "Button Detector". (Those buttons still function within the Channels app; it is only from outside the Channels app that the functionality was removed from only the stable release version.)

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I know. Thanks for the info. Installed Beta. My 77 year old mother didn’t like the change to the controls no longer working.

Grrr... So we have to have the beta now for it to work? That's annoying. I always end up with something that's broken and annoying when in beta. Granted it's been a long while. And I know it's a Google thing. Just takes me back to these companies where not one customer has said, can you completely gimp these streamer remotes so they're tiny, useless and annoying?

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System-wide, yes. Within the Channels app, no.

The button-detector is only needed to launch Channels and bring up certain portions of the app when the Channels app is not in the foreground. If Channels is already open, using the Guide, TiVo, and Live buttons within the Channels app will still open the Guide, open the Library, and play the last selected channel (or switch to the previous live channel). The beta is only needed to have those buttons function in that manner when the Channels app is not the foreground app.

Yeah, it's the outside the app I ran into. Thanks.

Is there a current status or faq on the state of the button mapping possible on a TS4K?

Versions required, tricks or modifications required?

Is there a roadmap to if/when in/outside the Channels is supposed to work?

Thanks for any summary. Trying to get some similarity going for an elderly viewer used to the old TiVo ecosystem.

I've been running a large set of TiVo Stream 4K clients and would really like to take advantage of the full functionality of these mini peanut remotes as well.

After a bunch of spelunking on this, I think racameron described the current state of the expected behavior for integrated TS4K Button Detector functionality on May 1, 2022 (just above).

It looks (to me anyway) like the TS4K button remapping features for the Guide, TiVo, and Live buttons aren't working in the current (non-beta) release when the Channels app IS the foreground app. In other words if you disable the stock TS4K stuff, these three TS4K buttons don't work in Channels at all, unless you install the beta client AND enable the beta exclusive "Channels Button Detector" Accessibility Service.

Is it possible that the release version integrated TS4K Button Detector functionality that was working prior to the recent Android 10 update is now broken somehow? I'm specifically referring to the automatic TS4K remapping features for the Guide, TiVo, and Live buttons that are supposed to work by default when Channels is in the foreground (assuming I'm understanding the expected behavior here correctly).

I'm guessing this issue might have to do with the non-standard TiVo implementation of the buttons, and the hoops the channels devs probably had to jump thru to get these remappings working in the first place.

Tl;dr - It looks like the "non-beta" TS4K Guide, TiVo, and Live button remapping broke with Android 10.

Did you see the above post regarding Google Play Store and having to remove these features in the regular release to comply with Google rules for being in the Play Store?

The developers had to remove it from the regular version in order for it to be in Play Store. That is why these features are only in the beta.

Yep, thx - I saw that post above earlier.
racameron's next post in this thread mentions the beta app is not needed for remappings to work inside the channels app when it is in focus:

Suggesting those remappings should indeed work within the stable release version (albeit only when it is in focus - which is just fine for the skip button).
IF this is the expected behavior, then it doesn't appear to be working currently.

I'll reiterate djw's request:

A description of the expected behavior here would be helpful.

Previously the foreground app would receive button events. There was nothing we did on our side to make that work. If it's not working any more, that means TiVo changed the OS to disable that behavior.

To receive those events reliably we need the Button Detector, which is only available in the sideload beta channel. This is because the only API available for our app to know those buttons are pressed is a low-level keyboard/accessibility API which could be used to listen in on all keyboard entry. Google doesn't want apps doing that for security purposes, so apps using that API are not allowed into the Play Store.

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Thanks for the update tmm1.

So the Guide, TiVo, and Live buttons were previously getting events to the stable release app when it was in the foreground, but apparently no longer.

Sideloading the button detector is a fairly reasonable workaround for a these unreliable button events (glad there's a way to achieve working remote integration).

I originally thought the Android 10 update may have interrupted this event messaging somehow for the Guide, TiVo, and Live buttons (this being the biggest thing that changed recently afaik). I've got a TS4K that hasn't been updated to Android 10 yet - if there's a way to prevent the OS update and run a test, I'm happy to help.

But even if that isolated the problem, there's likely not much to be done if the "Live" button events just aren't getting to channels in the first place. (other than installing the beta :wink: )


So now its Sept 2023. I am new to Channels and running the Stream 4k. I have the Channels Beta App loaded and button mapper (free version) installed. Very few of the remote buttons work, the channel up/down buttons don't even work. It's looking to me like to make any progress I will need to upgrade to the paid version of Button Mapper. If I do that will I be able to make any significant progress on getting the Stream 4k Remote to control the Channels App? Is there any consolidated/recent advice on how to set things up (e.g. keycode details) to get the best out of Channels with the Stream 4k, Button Mapper and Beta App?

The beta app that you sideload also installs its own button mapper. In the OS settings go to Accessibility, and enable the "Channels Button Detector". You don't need the "Button Mapper" app.

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Thanks, that helped a lot. I think my buttons now work as described earlier in this thread. Numbers keypad works when video is playing. The channel up/down buttons work when the guide is displayed but not when video is playing. Is that the latest behavior?

How do you sideload the beta to get the "Channels Button Detector"? Thanks


This topic is pretty long, but useful. I was able to de-tivo my Stream 4K and sideload the beta.

I'll add one item so anyone else coming along doesn't get a surprise and I don't recall seeing this mentioned above. If you are using the UGREEN micro-usb Ethernet adapter and you go though the de-tivo steps, after enabling "Developer Options" and "USB Debugging", the UGREEN adapter will be disabled. You will have to turn on WiFi and connect adblink via the WiFi ip address. After the de-tivo process is completed and sideloading the beta, "USB Debugging" can be turned off and the UGREEN adapter will be re-enabled.

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Did you get the Bolt Vox remote to work with google assistant for voice input? Also, do the keys light up at night by any chance? Thanks!