TiVo style "Live Guide" as an optional guide

This is the hardest thing for me... :slight_smile:

We've used the TiVo Live Guide for like 15 years. I know grid guide is the most common across all tv platforms but it feels so foreign to me! That's why I always stayed with the previous TiVo UI because the did not even carry it over to the latest UI.

Not know anything about coding... I have no clue what it would take to mimic it.

Once you learned it, so much more information is on the screen with less button presses.

Or maybe I'm the last holdout and I just need to get on board with the grid...

It's been a while since I've TiVo'ed, so I just want to clarify, when you say "Live Guide" do you mean this?


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Yep, that's the TiVo Live Guide.
They did implement something close to that in Channels.
When you click on the channel icon in the grid guide, it now gives you a What's On Later view for that channel.

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Interesting! Guess it's not on android yet?

Don't think so. Android usually lags Apple.

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