Trying to add Channel by custom channels

I am trying to add INFOWARS channel. I have discovered the m3u8 for the channel and it works on VLC player but I cannot get it to work on Channels DVR. I have attempted to add the channel through custom Channels ( I have tried both HLS and MPEG-TS and neither has worked. I have used the text and this is what was typed. I am not sure where I have gone wrong. (this is a freely broadcasted channel)


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="INFOWARS" channel-number="5501" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="INFOWARS" tvc-guide-title="INFOWARS" tvc-guide-description="INFOWARS" tvc-guide-art="",INFOWARS

The error I am getting on screen is
Playback Failed
Could not fetch playlist: : Get"": unsupported protocol scheme ""

all of the other m3u8 channels that I have loaded using this format of text works fine. Is there any reason this wont play but will play on my VLC player?

Here is a copy of one I use for my local access channel in my city. As a quick test I just replaced my link with yours and it worked great. Your link doesn't play on the web player but I never use that anyway. Works great on my ipad and other Channels clients.


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WCTV" channel-number="48" tvc-guide-stationid="49060" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="WCTV" tvc-guide-title="Chesapeake Television" tvc-guide-description="Chesapeake Local Access" tvc-guide-art="",WCTV

Thank you so much I copied your Text and changed to my data and it worked great. I am not sure where I went wrong before I probably missed a period or something.

Thank you

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