I cannot get History to stream from the link provided. Other sites like A&E appear okay to me. These channels have been offline via channels since yesterday afternoon from what I can gather. I can still stream via Philo with no issues.
Can also stream from FireTV Live TV without problems. I think their app and FireTV use a different source (same was true when the AMC streams were having their stuttering problems).
Weather channel also
Still not working. I wonder what is happening.
I can watch history live on the website on the pc my server is on via chrome. I Just can't get the streams going. I've rescanned multiple times and restarted my ONT and router.
And feel free to delete the thread I started on the history Channel. Wasn't searching for A&E and just saw this thread under mine.
It doesn't work for me here..
If its working for you, please capture a chrome HAR and email it to support@getchannels.com
I tried A&E, History from their respective sites and I can not get either of them to play. I just get a black screen with a spinning circle. I even tried from their apps on Apple TV. Same experience, a spinning circle.
This is what I get when trying to use their app. So, it seems like it might be something directly related to those networks and not channels. I am not sure of course ,but that is my guess.
And Nevermind. Forgot I switched to recorded content. Sigh.
I did send them a message on Facebook.
strange. it is now not working for me. login and it shows please sign in box, or a spinning circle....as others have reported. however, when i posted 5hrs ago, it streamed fine for me in Opera.
I tried the private browser window in chrome, same.
And you are sure they are not showing a show about a spinning circle?
Same here wish they would fix it
I can watch History via my Fubo app, but not through ChannelsDVR.
History also works on Spectrum and Philo, but i downloaded the History app.on my Apple 4ktv and it will not play live tv.
Streaming apps usually have different sources than the websites. In order to have an apples-to-apples comparison, you need to verify whether the stream works on the network’s website, because that is where Channels receives the stream from.
Maybe a hint....for grins I checked the browser console on A&E....
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://cdn-cedexis.video.aetnd.com/r20.gif?t=23gh5v' from origin 'https://play.aetv.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.