TV Everywhere A&E Stream Not Available

No, you authenticate with Philo, but the stream Channels uses come from the network's website. Philo uses a different source than that.

So its been Blocked? Hmm wonder what that means for us?

Nothing so nefarious. It just means that A&E and History are having issues with the live stream on their website at the moment. This type of error usually clear up within a day or so; sometimes it may take longer.


Sound good - hope that is the case for sure

It means somebody has been changing their website streaming and didn't take into account all the security checks in place these days.

What amazes (disappoints) me is that these pay services seem to have no one responsible for ensuring that the TVE streams are actually working. Several days down is really not acceptable.

You can email and let them know that is not working.

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done that few times, all u get is auto reply "Your A&E support request (#####) has been received and is being reviewed."

If everyone who is following this thread please check A&E. I was able to finally watch it again. History channel appears to be down still. Thanks in advance. I can't play via their site but I can play A&E via channels again.

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Ok A& E does work in channels now, but History and Weather channel does not.
i dont even see a way to email the weather channel

I got a reply back from their email support finaly.

A+E Networks Support (A&E)

Mar 13, 2021, 8:43 PM EST


We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with Live TV on A&E. We are aware of this issue and expect it to be resolved soon. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Thank you,

A&E Support

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I don't have the weather channel so I am not able to test that one. But at least A&E is back. Now we wait until the History Channel comes back online.

Well that is something

For weather channel, i found a page u can submit for support.

te live stream page says under constrction.
is this where channels was getting its TVE feedf?

From History support:


We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with Live TV on HISTORY. We are aware of this issue and expect it to be resolved soon. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Thank you,


Exact same reply i posted for a&E

Looks like it has been taken care of on A+E's end. As of this morning, I have no issues tuning any A+E network: A&E, History, Lifetime, and fyi,.


History, Lifetime and FYI are now working for me via channels.. A&E was working as of Sunday for me.

Is The Weather Channel part of A&E networks?
That went out same time...

Still won't load, gives 403 forbidden.
i posted that in another thread called Weather channel down.

No. The Weather Channel is owned and operated by The Weather Channel. It is wholly separate from A+E Networks.

So, why they go down at same time?
They both gave same error at first.
but now Weather is saying 403 Forbidden.

Because coincidences are a real thing? Mercury is in retrograde? A butterfly in Indonesia flapped its wings? The Reptilians that live in hollow Earth are feeling mischievous?