TVE Beta: Issues with the web player

Windows 7 64 bit (16gb RAM, Radeon vid card)
Channels DVR server 2019.07.20.0419
Chrome Version 75.0.3770.142 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Thanks. This may be a bug we're hitting with a specific browser. What browser and version are you using? Can you try in Firefox or Chrome?

This is with Firefox version 68.0.1 64 bit

I can repeat the problem on any recording in any browser in less than 10 seconds of playing with it.

Here it is again in Opera. Took one click on the timeline to virtually lock this one up.

This is on a computer that's recording to (3) 500gb Sammy SSD evo's in RAID 0. This machine never hiccups on the data.

Can you switch to the Settings tab and change the Web Player Quality setting to 720p @ 3mbps. Then try watching a recording. Underneath it should now say "Transcoding ...". LMK if you're able to watch and seek around correctly with this configuration.

No. I only clicked once on the (non-commercial area of the) timeline to get this one to lockup. Chrome.

Okay clearly something is very broken. Can you copy/paste all the logs from the Log tab and email to [email protected]

You're not able to collect this information remotely?

We do not generally connect to user's DVRs remotely. However if that's easier for you and I have your permission (and you have remote access enabled), I can do that to retrieve the logs.

Thanks for the logs. Unfortunately they did not shie much. I would have expected messages like "Starting transcoder" atleast from your attempts with lower quality.

Do you have another laptop, tablet, etc where you can open a browser and connect to the PC's IP to see if the same behavior occurs there as well?

A post was split to a new topic: Chrome error on mac

I started the CDVR application, gave it time to fully launch, started Chrome browser and duplicated the problem, let it sit for a bit spinning, hit stop, then copied the logfile from that entire run. If it's not in that log, then I'm not sure the information is available in a log.

I'll try it on another PC on the network when I have time. I'm surprised that I'm the only one that experiences this.

I have tested on several windows PCs and Macs and not been able to reproduce. Getting another datapoint will help narrow this down to the client side vs server side and then we will know where to focus further debugging efforts.