Thanks, was going to submit another diagnostics when I saw your message.
Was getting
[ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6114: TVE: chrome failed to start:
Gdk-Message: 17:04:05.848: chrome: Fatal IO error 0 (No error information) on X server :999.
[HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6114-dANY-ip172.18.0.1: TVE: chrome failed to start:
Gdk-Message: 17:04:05.848: chrome: Fatal IO error 0 (No error information) on X server :999.
Installed the latest prerelease just now, still can’t authorize DIY or Science.
v2021.08.30.2158 ?
Diagnostics? Which provider?
Does it work on If not, did you report it to Discovery GO support or DirecTV support?
EDIT: I see you already have a thread all about this on Suddenly lost some channels (Discovery)
Same issue with Science Channel with DirecTV on Synology.
403: Not permitted to watch. (access.denied.missingpackage)
Please see all the discussion on the DirecTV specific thread:
FYI: this is their email address
Since the latest DVR pre-release
has switched to using the authentication for all Discovery networks, if you have not yet contact support to get your TVE credentials working at , DO NOT update your pre-release. If you update without resolving the inability to stream Sciene —either with Discovery support, DirecTV support, or whoever—then you will lose ALL Discovery Networks channels until you do.Once you can log in to and watch live, then you can go ahead and update to the latest pre-release.
I’ve also reported to Go.discovery support. Maybe if enough contact them it’ll be resolved sooner.
Thanks for all the help.

With v2021.08.30.2158 all the Discovery channels have been moved over to the streams
I'm undoing this again for now, until the provider auth issues are resolved.
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll stick with v2021.08.30.2158 for now as it's working for me with Xfinity on all Discovery Network channels on both my Synology package and Docker Container installs.
If I update, my Docker Container install will have problems again.
So, in reviewing the logs on why I still get the “no login form" error. I can use their website, app, or whatever and have no issues. But when I try using channels, I get the below.
2021/08/31 08:10:06.239153 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: path=/login-affiliates"
2021/08/31 08:10:07.251833 [TVE] action=tvejs msg="scienceSelect: missing affiliate"
The change from ATT TV to Directv or Directv Stream appears to be the issue, now. I'm assuming that Channels is using “Directv Stream” as the affiliate and Science Channel is still using ATT TV. I have emailed science channel help but figure this might take a while to be corrected.
Is there a way for channels to try the old affiliate name when that error is found? If so, that could possibly be the temporary fix until the science channel fixes their end.
Can you login and watch on Which provider are you selecting from the list at the bottom there?
At that site, I select ATT TV provider as the provider, sign in, and everything works fine. There is no Directv Stream Provider listed. If I select the Directv provider, it asks for my old Directv info.
I believe the issue is that science channel has not updated their provider list.
I am on a Synology NAS and have not upgraded to DSM 7
Just tried Science channel with 2021.08.31.1732 and it is now working. I had to rescan twice before it took.
Thanks for getting the Science Channel working!!!
Here's the reply from my ticket on Science Channel App
Hi There,
Thank you for contacting Discovery Fan Relations and submitting this suggestion to us.
We've done a little research here on our end, it looks like DirecTV Stream is missing from the Science Channel Go app when it switched to the ATVE format. We've submitted a request for this to be updated on the Science Channel Go App. But an approximate time on when this will be updated has not bene provided to us.
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.
Thank You,
Michael B.
Discovery, Inc Fan Relations
Just updated to 2021.08.31.1732 but still isn’t working for me.
The email I got from Discovery is below. I replied that that link works but not the science channel url. I even tried AT&T as the provider on the site but no luck. I called DirecTV to let them know.
I should also note DirecTV is clueless so don’t bother calling them. Spent an hour on the phone for nothing.
Jason (Discovery Digital TVE)
Aug 31, 2021, 8:46 EDT
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out.
This error usually occurs if your TV provider is experiencing server issues, or your current package does not include the network. Let's try a few steps and see if the error remains:
- Sign out and sign back into the SCI GO app/site.
- Visit a different network. Navigate to the Discovery GO site and sign in. Do you receive a similar error? Here's the link:
- When signing in, are you able to type in your Username and Password or do you select your TV Provider and are automatically signed in?
Try this and let me know what happens.
Discovery, Inc. Fan Relations
Just an update.
Lost Science Channel today with the "not in you package" error. Also lost all the other networks on science Contacted support and followed their suggestions.
Step 2 was to go to
Logged in without issue selecting Directv Stream as provider and was successful watching live TV. Picking any of the other networks required re-linking TV Provider. All other networks that I looked at Directv Stream as a provider with the exception of Science Channel. Hopefully, that'll be corrected soon.
Edit update: All back working again (5:00 pm CDT)
I tried this, selecting Directvstream. It let me log in but still nothing would play. All channels say they are not in my package.