TVE: Missing Guide Data


Missing the channel data for NBC (screenshot attached). The channel is there, but no data.

I'm using the pre-release code and have tried rescanning a number of times.

I also saw this in the log.

If you edit the lineup does the NBC mapping look correct?

Is Chrome up to date? From your log screenshot, Chrome 76 sounds outdated. Is there an "Update Chrome" button shown on the DVR Web UI's Support > Troubleshooting page?

I did that after the screenshot, all up to date.Thanks

How do I do the "edit" you mentioned?

What is the callsign?

It is KINGTV, Seattle. Is that what you mean?

Click the gear next to your TVE source, click the Rescan Channels option and see what it shows next to the NBC logo

I did that earlier with no luck. By I just did again and it worked. Thanks ever so much.

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