I have a Ds 218+ and an Apple TV 4K and I do not have this problem, so it’s not a global thing. Can you narrow the scope of the problem? Does it happen on all TVE recordings, or just from certain channels? Does it seem like frames are being dropped? If so you can use the “show stats” option to confirm (or rule out). You can also use the stats to confirm the current buffer size and make sure you’re not having bandwidth issues.
It happens on multiple TVE channels but the two main ones are USA and AMC. My stats from ATV4K to server are attached and look pretty good. The big question is:
Why would playback of OTA recordings be perfect while TVE recording stutter?
Remember, watching live or OTA streams are perfect as are playing back the recordings on VLC.
Did you use the stats function to see if it shows dropped frames?
Three screenshots attached. One is TVE recorded show playback, one is OTA recorded show playback, one is live TV playback.
No dropped frames on any of them. The TVE recording is the only one that stutters.
Thanks for your help BTW, I’d love to find a solution. I’ve tried the experimental drivers with no change. Tuner sharing is off.
This has nothing to do with it. All TVE recordings are handled through the DVR server. Tuner Sharing only applies to HDHomeRun tuners on your local network. Everything else is handled by the DVR server.
I've been working with Aman concerning the stutter on TVE recordings with ATV. I think he is waiting for tvos 14.5 to come out becuase it supports 29.97 and 59.94 fps. Mine does seem to stutter much more than the micro frame skip every ~40seconds with playing at 30 or 60fps but Aman said that any coding changes for this would have to be redone for 14.5. Since the release is very soon he would revisit then.
Now I also have an nvidia shield tube and when I play the same TVE recording on the shield there I no stutter. It's as smooth as butter. I use the beta feature on the shield to match the frame rate and then the microstutter disappears as well.
I had read about V14.5 also having this capability so I decided to try out the 14.5 beta. It’s very close to release so I felt comfortable trying. The above screen shots were made with the 14.5 beta. The FPS on the TVE shows 29.97 for both specified and estimated vs. 29.97 & 59.94 on the two others. Super happy to know that Aman will be looking into this. Thanks for your update.
I just sent a note to Aman about this.
My tve recording I tried just now with the beta was great. Last night it was horrible (pre beta). Then I tried another and it is a bad as it ever was. But.... The frame rate is not detected so maybe we are on to something.
Interesting. We watch that exact same show from a TVE source on an Apple TV 4K, so our use case should be identical. The only difference I see is that we’re using the default video and audio drivers. Does setting those back to defaults fix the problem?
Of course that doesn’t explain why the frame rate isn’t detected by the server...
I have been encountering some minor stuttering while playing back on my Apple TV4K 14.5. Just started recently, possibly with the 14.5 update.
I was reading this thread and had just tried rebooting my ATV and found that solved the problem. Definitely not my first guess, as it wasn’t consistent on all recordings, but it worked.