TVE streaming ABC

So, I turned on "stream ABC, NBC, and Fox, if available in your area" and NBC and Fox both show up in my guide.

However, ABC doesn't.

The weird thing is, it shows up in when i go to "configure" on my mac, and also when i go to settings on my app on my apple tv. Shows up as Channel 6001.
It also plays from my mac when i select it.
But I cannot get it to show up in my guide on my Apple TV Channels App.

Is there a glitch?

Apple TV guide combines duplicate channels into one entry on the guide

Odd, then why do I see NBC and Fox broken out separately from my OTA NBC and Fox affiliates? I see both of those, but only see my local affiliate for ABC, not the Channel 6001.

Can this be fixed? I see my local ABC as 6001 but my NBC is hidden unless I hide it via HD Homerun source. I'd love both to be available.