tvOS: partially-watched shows require two deletions

This issue has been going on for as long as I can remember. I only recently thought to get a recording of it to report here. Basically, when I delete some unwatched shows they delete right away. But if I watch a show for a bit and then decide to delete it, the show re-appears immediately, and I have to delete it again.

I hope this makes sense. If not, here's a video.

I submitted diagnostics too just now. Hope this helps.

Please email a video to

This should be resolved in the latest TestFlight build:

Thank you for the followup but unfortunately, I'm sorry to say the issue is still happening here. I'll start in the Sports section, and watch a recorded game 3/4 of the way through. I'll delete it, see the thumbnail disappear, and then 2 seconds later, it re-appears. At this point, I can delete a second time, but if I force-quit the Channels app, and re-launch, the deleted recording does not appear.

What else can I test or send over, to help get this fixed?

After updating to the new release I’m seeing something similar but different.

-I watched a game about 3/4 the way through, (I started watching this recording while it was still recording. It finished recording while I was watching)
-Stopped playback with back button
-Selected trash the recording
-After clicking trash the screen displayed image below. Notice the missing buttons like watch, explore, more, and trash

  • have to hit the back button to clear this screen.
  • show does delete though.
  • New diagnostic log submitted under 2510ec42-c397-4de5-a203-93e0ef12a243

It's happening for me with all recordings, not just content in the Sports section. Here's an example screengrab video from today. Running the latest pre-release of tvOS client and pre-release of CDVR server on an M1 Mac mini.

Diagnostics from tvOS submitted just now.

Hah! This is funny!

It looks like @Fofer's issue is a combination of a large library with auto-PIP being enabled. Let me see if I can figure out how to fix this. Thank you for the video! I don't think I would have noticed it in the logs otherwise.

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Weird. Well, you helped us find another big bug regardless!

I’ve also noticed that if I delete a recording once — and as usual, see it reappear a couple of seconds later — that if I do NOT delete it a second time, just force quit the Channels app and then re-launch the app, that the recording is gone. :thinking:

Yep, it’s a data race condition between a refresh of the server data and the delete request. It’s just a client issue.