Two servers one guide

I know this has probably been asked, and heck I may have even asked it myself before, but is there a way to have the guide show 2 server sources in one? Like on my AppleTV if I have a sever at home and one at dad's house, without having to manually choose which server to connect to?

No. Not from a client with different servers.
The only way is to use a server at one location that pulls in the remote sources using m3u custom channels and combines them.

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Thanks. Manually selecting the server isn't ideal, but I guess I'll be ok :stuck_out_tongue:

Just feed one into the other via m3u. I have 3 channels servers setup this way.


It sounds like you have already done the hard part of setting up the connection if you can choose his server. Just add his server as a m3u like others have already suggested.

Channels DVR's Tailscale integration makes this super easy BTW. I paired servers in two locations following this comment, and it's been working fine for over a year now:

Channel Collections will let you mix and match whatever channels you want, from both locations, into one Guide.


I remembered that @Edwin_Perez also uses this method of combining multiple DVR's using custom m3u's (I just use multiple DVR's (6) and switch between them).

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