As title indicated, I am looking to build a new dedicated box for a friend, I originally had him on RPi but he uses YTTV and was having TVE issues, so migrated him to use his PC. However, I'd like to get him onto a dedicated machine that doesn't compete with other tasks/activities.
Finally dug up some spare NUCs I had sitting on a shelf and wondering which to go. Here's the 2 harwadware options:
CPU: AMD A9 9400 (Dual Core up to 3.2 Ghz)
Storage: 128 GB
Current OS: Ubuntu Desktop
Beelink NUC
CPU: Intel Celeron N5105 (Quad Core up to 2.9 Ghz)
Ram: 16 GB
Storage: 500 GB
OS: Windows 11 Pro
Basically would like to find a use of the ATOP NUC and I think it would be fine for his use. He doesn't stream much out of the house, and if he did, it would be a single stream. I'm thinking that is sufficient. Worst case scenario, he has one stream watching at home, one recording and/or detectng commercials, and one stream to his phone outside of the home. Pretty sure this box can handle that correct? He has a 5 TB external drive we would use to record to as the 128 GB isn't much to use for recording. Would also have docker, portainer, pluto for channels, and FuboTV Project running.
If the above use case is sufficient for that, then my next question is should I drop Ubuntu Desktop and install Ubuntu Server? Likely he will run this headless on a shelf and I'll occasionally remote in for maintenance. I've tested @slampman's tutorial in a VM and all works well. Just wondering if moving from Desktop to Server will free up enough resources to make a difference in the use case I outlined above? Or does the desktop not really impacting resources enough and just leave as is.
And if the additional resource needs warrant using the Intel Beelink, then likely I would just drop Ubuntu Server on that platform.
Thanks for your thoughts.