Ubuntu Server 22.04.4 LTS on N97 mini PC, no write permissions on dvr directory

Hi everyone. I'm trying to set up a new instance of DVR Server on a new N97 mini PC.

It's running Ubuntu Server 22.04.4 LTS.

It has a 500 GB internal drive and a 1 TB I want to use the 1TB drive as the storage for the DVR server. I have copied across the folders from my existing system (currently running Pi4).

I have added the 1TB drive as /external and created a folder /DVR on it and successfully restored the backup unfortunately I get the following error when I try to enable the server:

Error: no write permissions on dvr directory: open /external/DVR/.permcheck: permission denied

I understand this is a permissions problem but I have tried a few thinks from online instructions but they don't seem to help.

Has anyone experienced this and how did you get around it?


Is your user account the owner of the dir and files or is it root?

I think I managed to solve the problem now thanks. I have another problem with it not being able to configure hardware transcoding but I'll create a separate post about that.


Describing what you did to solve, the problem would help close the thread, and anyone that might come across it.

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All I did was point it at /external instead of /external/DVR so I'm only using /external/DVR to access my old recorded shows it will get smaller as my wife works through the Coronation Street episodes she's missed while she's been away. anything new is recorded to /external.

I have also solved my lack of hardware transcoding by using this guide:https://dgpu-docs.intel.com/driver/installation.html#ubuntu-install-steps