UI Bug (Grid Guide)

If I’m on a guide category and scroll down and then back to the top, the the top channel in the guide gets cut in half. Doesn’t seem to affect the ALL/HD/SD but it happens every time I scroll back to the top of the others (Sports, Movies, Drama, etc.).

I’m not sure if I’m experience the same problem but I can hold the “down” button and scroll nonstop to the bottom of the channel guide. If I hold “up”, I can only scroll through about 7-10 Guide channels before the highlighted portion kicks over to the channel sort option that allows you to select “HD” or “Movies”.

This is normal and intentional. It’s so you don’t have to scroll all the way to the top to change the category. (Personally, I find it annoying, but I understand the reasoning.) With our IR remotes it’s no longer an issue, because the channel up/down buttons scroll the guide a page at a time.

Too bad the FireTV profile for Harmony remotes don’t have page up/down buttons mapped to enable for FireTV isers …

I don’t seem to be able to scroll a page at a time. I am using the channels app on both my Sony Android Tv (Downloadable Android TV App) and on my Apple TV.

I am also using a Harmony hub with the Sony TV and have the button mapped to channel up and down but it doesn’t do anything. The only option I seem to have is scrolling one channel at a time.

It’s a deal breaker for me considering that the guide doesn’t loop either. Once you get to the bottom, that’s it. It’s painful to try and return to the first channel, especially when you have 300+ channels.