Unable to access my DVR away from home

Hey guys, I've tried turning my Remote streaming off and on a few times, double checked my router config (which worked before) and I'm unable to see my DVR when remote. Is there any issue I can't fix on my end?

Does my.channelsdvr.net load?


It locked on the login screen. Then when I went back to the forum url I was logged in

Tried again and got a connection timeout

My ISP changed something....they just told me they had to change my config on their end. I'm working with them on a workaround.

They removed my static IP that I had that was public facing from my ONT and fronted it with another public IP. This isn't allowing my Plex server to work either. They removed that front end one years ago to allow my service to work publicly. They said I need to transition to IPV6 to get anything public. :angry:

Ouch! Who is your ISP?
Hard to understand if a dynamic IPv4 works why they're telling you IPv6 ONLY for Static IP. Unless they're all out of their IPv4 addresses?
My provider wants me to signup for a Business class account to get a static IPv4.

I don't know what it is but they told me I can purchase the static IP for IPV4

My ISP is https://www.ninestarconnect.com/

The support guy told me they just started disabling all of the static IPs last week. $10 a month if I want the IPV4 static. Otherwise I need to figure out IPV6

Yah, IPv6 is coming.
So much address space it could pinpoint a device in your home on your guest WiFi and give it a unique IPv6 address.
Kinda like fractional Bitcoins. I can own a Bitcoin (IPv4/v6 space) and sell fractions of it (IPv4/v6).
Or for those not familiar with cryptocurrency...
I own 40 acres of land and I can develop/subdivide/lease/sell parcels of it.

IPv4 is definitely running out of available space.
That's the reason almost all routers do NAT, which hides your private home network from the internet.

Plex is working remotely thankfully.

What do I need to do to get Channels to work remotely? I can only see ipv4 addresses being broadcast via bonjour.

Whilst it may or may not be related, I'm unable to get remote access to work at this time - what do your DVR error logs show, i.e when you turn off/on remote access? And/or the Support tab from the DVR UI?

I'm getting errors with cert generation, due to missing DNS entries, the TXT records do not exist, which would be on the Channels infrastructure side. Have emailed support@

2020/08/07 12:58:35.937950 [TLS] Certificate generation failed. Trying again while waiting for 5 consecutive responses: acme: Error -> One or more domains had a problem:

[*.bxxxxxxxx.channelsdvr.net] acme: error: 400 :: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:dns :: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up TXT for _acme-challenge.bxxxxxxxx.channelsdvr.net - check that a DNS record exists for this domain, url:

[bxxxxxxxx.channelsdvr.net] acme: error: 400 :: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:dns :: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up TXT for _acme-challenge.bxxxxxxxx.channelsdvr.net - check that a DNS record exists for this domain, url:

2020/08/07 12:59:19.113769 [ERR] Generating SSL cert failed: acme: Error -> One or more domains had a problem:

[*.bxxxxxxxx.channelsdvr.net] acme: error: 400 :: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:dns :: During secondary validation: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up TXT for _acme-challenge.bxxxxxxxx.channelsdvr.net - check that a DNS record exists for this domain, url:

[bxxxxxxxx.channelsdvr.net] acme: error: 403 :: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized :: Incorrect TXT record "jriWVDLULbsp3e2E6o4wx0CPwXB3dB4Meh7SC12oc3o" found at _acme-challenge.bxxxxxxxx.channelsdvr.net, url:

Does portchecker.co show 8089 as open?

Nope it’s closed. I have port forwarding turned on thru my router. Same configuration I’ve had for awhile.

Okay so now when you go to ipchicken.com it only shows ipv6 address?

No it shows my ipv4 address which I think is a cgnat address. They put that in front of the address of my ONT.

So any thoughts on what my next steps are @tmm1? I don't see a whole lot of IPV6 talk on the forum so I'm not sure where to go.

On https://www.whatismyip.com/ does it list an IPV6 ip as well?

It doesn't. I can give you what is assigned to me. But its not showing automagically on that site.

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I'm going to reset my config on my Edge Router tonight when no one is on the network and reconfigure it with IPV6 from the get-go and see what happens. I'm not sure if I also need DHCPv6 prefix delegation, but I'll enable it this time around. I did not upon initial setup.