Unable to Install ChannelsDVR on Synology NAS

Trying to install Channels DVR on my Synology NAS. The install fails with the following message: Unable to run "Channels DVR". Curl:(6) Could not resolve host: getchannels.com.

You have some kind of DNS issue that is preventing the name resolution for getchannels.com. Have you made any changes to the Synology DNS system?

There have been no changes to my setup. I have installed channels previously in my NAS (several times) and this is the first time that I have encountered an issue.

Issue has been resolved. A search of the internet provided several possible solutions to correct the Curl 6 issue. One of the solutions was a reboot of the device. After rebooting my NAS, I made another attempt to install the Channels DVR package. The install was successful this time. Although I have not made any changes to my setup, it is possible that Synology did an automatic update that created the issue.