My Channels DVR has been connected to Vidgo for a month or so and working fine. This morning some of the vidgo channels would not play. As I worked to fix the problem I deleted the source to readd it hoping that would fix the problem. I've also tried rebooted the Channels servers serveral times. Unfortunately, now every time I attempt to add vidgo back I get a "401 Unauthroized: Data not found". I can log into the vidgo web site using the same login credentials used in Channels DVR. The Vidgo website indicates there is a TVE user logged in. I've tried logging that out on the website, then try to add the source into Channels. I get the same error message from Channels. The vidgo web site show the tve user has been logged back in. I'm at a loss as to what to do next. I've also submitted this issue to Vidgo. Help! Please!
I am having the same issue. I did try to login to and it does not same to work, it does not unlock any of the programming.
Thanks for testing. Possible fix in next prerelease.
I also tried to login into abc using the vidgo credentials using my web browser. It didn't log in properly. I can log into with my browser and watch ABC.
Is this a problem with Channels or with Vidgo?
Does it work?
What happens when it doesn't log in properly?
I'm having the same problem. I contacted Vidgo support and they are working on the problem. Told me in an email that they should have everything working sometime tomorrow.
It takes me back to initial ABC Live screen. When I click watch again, I get the signin to a provider screen. Multiple attempts to sign in give the same response.
Thank you so much. I also contacted Vidgo but have not received an answer.
Thanks for the suggestion. I did the upgrade but it still doesn't work. I agree with Freway01, that it's a Vidgo problem since we can't use Vidgo login to access ABC live direct.
I just tried to log into Vidgo (as a source) and I'm still getting the '401 Unauthorized' error. Same thing happens with any of the TVE 'Go' sites. I emailed their support department, one of their lead technical programmers, and the President of Vidgo again this morning but haven't go a response back from anyone.
I'd like to suggest that any Vidgo user that is having this problem, contact Vidgo support and let them know you are having a problem. You can reach them at ''. They are proud of the fact that they support TV Everywhere as shown on this page, 'TV Everywhere - Vidgo'.
Are you still having the same issue with Vidgo?
I was just successful in adding vidgo as a source. Evidently they fixed it in the last couple of hours - it didn't work about 3PM EST.
I got an email a couple of hours ago but just saw it now. I tried a couple of TVE channels and Vidgo ID & password worked. Also tried adding it as a source to Channels and it is working.