Univision channels on Comcast TVE not scanning in

Correct, Xfinity Stream is not the same as TV Everywhere.

Xfinity Stream has direct streams from the networks. As @Edwin_Perez said, it's a replacement for a cable box.

TVE depends on 2 things:

  1. the networks must provide video streams on their websites
  2. TV providers must have agreements with the networks to allow their subscribers to use their TV provider credentials in order to authenticate on the websites

Xfinity Stream != TVE

Maybe the developers will eventually read this thread and they will see if they can do anything about it.

It is a Univision problem. Nothing the developers can do.
Using a browser, go to their live streaming website and Link your Provider.
Trying to play anything displays this error
in Spanish "Tenemos un problema con tu solicitud. Vuelve a intentarlo más tarde."
English translation "We have a problem with your request. Please try again later."

Here is how Channels TVE works Knowledge Base - About TV Everywhere

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If somebody is fluent in Spanish, they can contact Univision and ask them when the issue will be fixed. :wink:

Well - I'm far from "fluent" in Spanish, but I have an annual membership with ViX and get by with my limited Español vocabulary in conjunction with translation utilities. I guess I will try and see if I can start a support ticket on Univision's play site. I might even be able to ask in English. Thanks.

I was unable to ask for help (Support only had an FAQ) on tv.univision.com, but when I went to univisionnow.com I got into a Support chat to mention it, but the support person in the chat referred me to my provider - which is not where the problem lies. When I looked into subscribing to UnivisionNOW, I was forwarded to tv.univision.com where it allows me to log in with my Comcast/Xfinity credentials. The only place were I could successfully play content from the Univision channels was on Xfinity Stream, which works great for all the Univision channels and up to 72 hours backward.
I'm quite certain the problem lies with Univision since I wasn't able to play anything on their site with my provider credentials and other providers don't seem to be working as usual either.

Univision channels (except 6323 TUDN) were removed.

Does this mean we won't be able to scan them in when Univision fixes the broken link?

If Comcast/Xfinity is still contracted with them why wouldn't they keep it on TVE?

If Univision fixes their live website, let the developers know and they might add the channels back.

Channels TVE works by logging in the Univision website and streaming it to Channels DVR.
If you can't stream it using a browser, Channels DVR can't either.
Has nothing to do with Xfinity. Xfinity just tells Univision you subscribe to the Univision channels.

I can still log into the Univision website just fine using my provider credentials. I was still getting correct Channels guide information that matches what is on the Univision website that I see after logging in, so there is still a convenience for me to see the guide data in the same place I see all my other guide information so I don't have to jump around to multiple guides. I suspect there is simply a broken link/manifest that will be fixed when the right technicians at Univision become aware of it. I just don't know how they become alerted to such an issue.

They're not going to add the channels back until Univision has them working.
If the guide data is in Channels, users would complain they can't watch it or record it.

If you want, just add an Custom m3u using the gracenote station id's for the channels you want to see guide data for. But when a pass picks one of those fake channels to record, it's on you, not the developers.

You would still have to "jump around" outside of Channels DVR to watch or record it.

Okay - this is where I'm confused. I'm watching tv.univision.com right now having logged into it with my Comcast/Xfinity credentials and I'm screen recording a program (using Bandicam) that aired on Monday (by just scrolling the Live TV guide back a couple days and clicking on the show). I guess that means it is playing it in On Demand mode and it is only LiveTV that is generating the error.

So here's my question - what is the best way to tell when it starts to work again so that Channels can use it? Can I assume that as soon as I'm able to play LiveTV from their website it'll be ready to add it back into Channels? I hope it doesn't take long because screen recording is not long term sustainable, but it looks like I'd have to do it as long as I don't want to miss any episodes.

This :point_up:
If that happens, just post here which channel is working (UNIVISION, UNIMAS, GALAVISION or TUDN) and the website URL you're streaming it from.

A user says he's streaming from a TUDN website. Not sure what website.

I'm having the same problem more or less. Monday morning around 10am the Univision channels quit working on my Spectrum-TVE and it's like the channels no longer exist for channels DVR when you try to rescan them.

I believe the problem is definitely with Univision. If you check you'll see they have a newly designed webpage for wqtching live tv and their on demand programs.

If you go to Univision.com and click the "live" tab (using chrome for me) it takes you to https://tv.univision.com/ -- but it's a blank black screen. If you then refresh the browser the proper page loads and I am able to successfully watch both live and on demand programs on their website with my Spectrum credentials. But channels DVR doesn't find Univision and it's related channels when I scan for them for the Spectrum-TVE source. (I also have HDHomerunPrime as a source and Univision through Spectrum cable still works that way.)

I think the problem we're having is when channels DVR navigates to that broken page https://tv.univision.com/ it can't find anything because the page won't load unless you manually refresh it with a browser. In other words until Univision has a link that works properly when accessed channels DVR won't find it.

I haven't had the refresh problem that bbolly71 describes, but I was getting an error after selecting a program to watch live. After Screen Recording the last three days of a show I had missed, I went to "live" and all 7 channels on tv.univision.com/livetv played just fine without the error. I think Channels should try adding the Univision channels that were removed and see if anyone is able to play them because I'm not getting the errors anymore in the browser (unless perhaps it is a time of day thing).

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Trying a couple other ways, I discovered that my Firefox browser at work is the only one I use that produces the error I mentioned above. My computers at home and at work play Univision's LiveTV just fine from the Chrome browser where all I have to do is log into the site with the same Xfinity credentials I use with Channels DVR.

How can we get these channels added back in to Channels DVR? Screen recording is very inconvenient even if it does yield better quality (Xfinity distributes it in 720p whereas Univision plays it at 1080p).


I get the error using Brave and Firefox, but it streams fine using the MS EDGE browser.

@tmm1 Can you add the Univision channels back?
Unless they went DRM, but it looks like regular MPEG DASH.


A post was merged into an existing topic: FS1 and 2 gone

I'm still not seeing any of the Univision channels listed for Xfinity TVE. I'm able to see them live just fine using my credentials on Univision: Stream Univision and UniMás Live with Chrome.

Perhaps because they haven't been added back in Channels DVR.
Can you stream TUDN at the website?
I can, and it's still available in Channels DVR, but it doesn't work there.
Perhaps Channels DVR doesn't support MPEG-DASH?
Screenshot_26-2-2025_182256_tv.univision.com TUDN

TUDN is gone now too

I think it's time to write-off Univision channels as Channels DVR TVE channels.
Some more TVE channels bite the dust

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