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@timstephens24 wondering if you could help me out with nvidia hardware transcoding. I'm brand new to unraid. when I try to install I get the following errors...

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='Channels' --net='host' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Haven" -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="Channels" -e 'TCP_PORT_8089'='8089' -e 'NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES'='compute,utility,video' -e 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'='all' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'TZ'='America/Chicago' -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8089]' -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://github.com/timstephens24/docker-templates/raw/master/img/channels-logo.png' -v '/mnt/user/media/Videos/':'/media/Videos':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr':'/channels-dvr':'rw' --runtime=nvidia --security-opt seccomp=unconfined 'timstephens24/channels-dvr'
**docker: Error response from daemon: Unknown runtime specified nvidia.**
See 'docker run --help'.

Do I need to have the Nvidia-Driver plugin installed for this to work?

Yeah, you need to install this plugin too:

If you have problems after that let me know, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve used my NVIDIA card.

yeah that seemed to do the trick!

I did run into a problem though where it says I don't have write permissions on the DVR directory. Do you know why that might be? I used the default PUID and GUID from the template.

Hmm I’ll look into how that happened. I can add in a check for that and fix it, but I won’t be able to push that for a few hours. If you’re ok with the command line on your unraid you can run:

chown -R nobody:users /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr

That should fix it.

it was actually my DVR folder not the docker config folder but yes that command did the trick when I chowned my /mnt/user/media/Videos folder.

Thank you!

Ah not sure how I can do that, but I'll look into. Thanks!

Thank you! really appreciate all the work you've put into this for us all.

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@timstephens24 Long time user, first time I can't figure something out on my own. I just upgraded my Unraid to 6.11 and now Channels is borked. It says it is running, but web interface never loads. When I click on the docker icon and go to logs, it shows "Running Channels DVR" repeatedly. If I go to the actual channels-dvr.log file it shows "/bin/bash: ../latest/channels-dvr: Permission denied" repeatedly. I'm guessing I have a permissions issue but can't figure out where. This all worked perfectly fine on 6.10.3. I've run the New Permissions tool within Unraid, but doesn't seem to do much. I can revert back to 6.10.3 and it works fine.

I'm stumped, any help is appreciated.

I’m guessing something’s going on with the binary permissions somewhere. I’ll see if I need to add a check for that on start and try and fix it tonight when I have a little bit of time.

Well, I reverted and now I can't get it to run on 6.10.3 either.

Checking it now. In the meantime can you check the folder permissions in a console window? The command would be:

ls -la /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr/latest

root@Tower:~# ls -la /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr/latest
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 15 Sep 14 19:30 /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr/latest -> 2022.09.14.2324/

Well that's dumb it should have listed out the directory contents not the directory haha.

Can you do:

ls -la /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr/latest/channels-dvr

I also pushed an update to verify permissions are correct on the binaries. It might fix your problem? You can try and check for updates on the Docker tab and then update. If you wouldn't mind doing that after running the above the command so I can see before you do it what the issue might have been, that would most likely be helpful. Thanks!

root@Tower:~# ls -la /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr/latest/channels-dvr
-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 38066656 Sep 14 19:30 /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr/latest/channels-dvr

So I'm not sure why it' not spitting out the output you're expecting.

Is this what you're looking for?

root@Tower:~# ls -la /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr/
total 4
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 232 Sep 14 19:30 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 1500 Sep 28 15:39 ../
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 20 Feb 9 2021 .cache/
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 10 Feb 9 2021 .local/
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 10 Feb 9 2021 .pki/
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 134 Feb 10 2022 2022.02.09.0020/
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 134 Mar 22 2022 2022.03.23.0209/
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 134 Jun 27 15:25 2022.06.20.0235/
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 134 Aug 4 21:27 2022.08.04.1903/
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 134 Aug 8 17:28 2022.08.08.2006/
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 134 Sep 14 19:30 2022.09.14.2324/
drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 1820 Sep 26 08:27 data/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 15 Sep 14 19:30 latest -> 2022.09.14.2324/

Or maybe this?

root@Tower:~# ls -la /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr/latest
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 15 Sep 14 19:30 /mnt/user/appdata/channels-dvr/latest -> 2022.09.14.2324/

It looks like your update fixed the issue. I'm wondering if something about how I was resetting docker permissions as suggested screwed things up, or if it was a 6.11 update. But surely somebody updated to 6.11 before me and would have had that same issue if it was 6.11. It almost had to be something screwed up permission wise.

Awesome, thanks! Your first command showed the permissions issue was exactly the problem so my update fixed it. I’m running 6.11 on both my Unraid servers and didn’t run into the issue so it’s a little weird. Either way glad the fix did it.

hey hey - i'm looking to write some scripts to do push notifications and alerting on various server events - i've read up on the channels API - but it appears to be using a distinct port of 57000? either that or i'm doing something incorrect because i've been unable to curl against my server using x.x.x.x:8089/api/status

is that port not enabled in your docker config? do you have any tips on utilizing the API with this docker container?

No, I don’t have it exposed but I can add it. I’ll try and get to that tonight.

That api is for the clients. We don't have a documented api for the server