So I setup Channels DVR (still on trial) on my unRaid server last night and originally set the wrong path for the /shares directory. I recorded a show, watched it then realized I had it in the wrong path. It was set to the root path of the unRaid directory, so I changed it to the path that I wanted it originally. I then deleted the show in the interface, but went back to check where the file was and it's still there. So I've tried deleting it via Finder (I'm on a Mac) but that didn't work saying I didn't have permissions (sometimes it can be finicky). I then tried via Krusader on unRaid which usually lets me delete everything, but this came back saying I didn't have permission either. Anything else I can try? This isn't a result of being on trial right? Not sure what else to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What is the path of the file you're trying to delete? If you SSH and use sudo rm <path>
it should work.
Hmmm, I get a Host key verification failed. error when I try to ssh in now. Tried deleting my ssh/ssl config files, rebooting and still got that error. Googling around didn't lead to any solution to me ssh'ing back into it. I also tried deleting the other directories it created (Logs, Streaming, system, etc.) but got the same permission error. Anything else I should try?
You need to delete .ssh/known_hosts for the verification error
Where's that located? Sorry, definitely a ssh (and unRaid too) newbie here. Searching didn't help haha.
Those files are on your local machine where you run ssh from.
In terminal on the mac you'll want to delete the entire entry line for the ip address of your unraid server. The entire path is /Users/"your user name"/.ssh/known_hosts.
You can do this with the nano command in terminal.
nano known_hosts
We're getting closer! But still not in. I've tried both my unRaid username I created "zach" and the "root" default one. It seems it's kicking me out when I try to log in via ssh using my user "zach". Posted a screenshot for you to see what's going on. Anything else I should try? Before I was able to ssh in using the "root" user but now it's not accepting the password I set there. Just reset it in unRaid just to be sure. Thanks for the help guys, hopefully we can get it going.
I'm not familiar with unraid but perhaps you need to look at your user profile and see if there is a setting that allows ssh connections that needs to be flipped on.
Found out what it was with some help from the unRaid forum. In Settings, under SSH for some reason my Permit Root Login setting was set to No instead of Yes. That's what I needed! Once that was reset, I was able to log in. Don't know why it was set to that, I was able to log in before. It must of been in an update and I didn't know this SSH Settings section existed. With the rm -r command I was then able to remove the directories/files. Glad I was able to finally figure it out!