Update Source periodically

Good Morning

Is there a way to update a source more often, or rather a certain time?

I can’t seems to find a setting and searching resulted in sources refresh once a day ?

Update what sources for what reason?
For Custom Channels (M3U) you define, the Playlist and XMLTV refresh can be changed in their settings.
Other sources only update EPG guide data once a day between 9-11AM local time.

Where in the settings can I define playlist. I have a custom m3u. I don’t see them anywhere.

Gear dropdown next to your source, Edit Settings

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If you need it to refresh the playlist more often than once a day, you can use this API endpoint, modifying it for your server's ip:port and M3U source name

Worked perfect. Thank you !!!

Any idea how to use this command with a source that has a space in the name?

try putting quote marks around the url

curl -s -XPOST " name with spaces/refresh"

depending on the OS you issue the command from, you may need either double or single quote marks.

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%20 is the URL-encoded form of " " (space).

There are several tools and websites that will convert non-ASCII strings into formats accepted by any web parser.