Update to 2021.10.25.1801 corrupted the xfs log

RPi4 with DVR installed on a separate xfs drive.
Had to use xfs_repair -L
-L Force log zeroing. Do this as a last resort.

All seem to be fine now except I have quite a few interrupted recordings. I think the problem was not enough space while upgrading. Maybe the autoupgrader could check first or better yet refrain from autoupgrading as it results in unnecessary surprises.

Perhaps you could be a bit more explicit about what your post means. To my untrained eye it seems to mean you made an upgrade on your system that required additional intervention. On top of that, you seem to be using XFS, which only seems to be standard for RHEL/Fedora Server installs; or perhaps your own disk topology.

It seems the system was autoupdated.

Whenever there is a new stable release it is pushed out to everyone.

and that's the problem we are talking about ....

Please submit diagnostics


There could be a problem with lack of full support for xfs in the kernel on RPi4:

# uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 5.10.63-v7l+ #1459 SMP Wed Oct 6 16:41:57 BST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux
# xfs_scrub /mnt/sda1
Info: /mnt/sda1: Kernel metadata scrubbing facility is not available.

I also get lots of 'no space left on device' errors now. What should I do to free up the disk space?

EDIT: I just nuked everything over 30 days in the recordings directory for now.

find . -type f -mtime +30 -delete

any updates?

I don't see anything in the logs that sheds any light. It sounds like more of a kernel/driver issue. I don't see how DVR upgrade could have caused corruption.

I think the problem might be caused by not maintaining enough free space. Is there a way to make sure the lower limit is something other than 0GB, say 50GB of space?
I'd happily trade 50GB of space for stability.

On the official Pi image the software is stored on a separate partition than the recordings. That way they cannot interfere and cause problems like this. That's the recommended solution right now.

I agree some sort of software limit on the recordings would be nice. But you can have multiple storage locations so it gets complicated.

Hmmmm.... interesting

The size of the channels-dvr directory is 551MB in my case so I moved it to the main partition. recordings directory still remains on an an external drive.

How do I reconcile the state of the dvr after removing mpg files manually?
I also have some dangling symlinks in Logs/comskip directory

Multiple partitions would be a non-factor if the auto-cleaner (auto-vacuum?) was ran before the upgrade commenced. How often does the vacuum task run? We might simply have a scheduling problem.