Upgrades Always Break Hardware Encoding on QNAP TS-253A

I am super frustrated becasue everytime a new release comes out, and I upgrade.....my encoder switches to software only encoding and nothing plays correctly. This always happens when I am away or about to go away (like now) and is SO FRUSTRATING.

I think my problem is due to the fact that I am running channels on a QNAP TS-253A, which not many people seem to be using. This problem is so repeatable with upgrades, that I stopped installing them and left channels on a version that "worked" on the QNAP. A few days ago, a new version automatically installed and I have no transcoder again. It took me HOURS of trail and error so somehow get channels back to the previous verson last time this happened (a few months ago) and don't really know how I eventually got it back to previous version (very little documentation on where all the software components are with channels...especially on QNAP). I am not a linux expert and do not have the time to trial-and-error this again before i leave. Please help.

Hardware Transcoder Probe



fork/exec /channels-dvr/2024.05.07.1442/ffmpeg-dl: no such file or directory


fork/exec /channels-dvr/2024.05.07.1442/ffmpeg-dl: no such file or directory


no such file or directory


no such file or directory


no such file or directory


no such file or directory

According to that there's no hardware encoder found at all.

Can you SSH in and copy/paste this command, then copy/paste the output:

ls -al /dev/dri/

I fournd my problem which was something running in container station that was locking down the resources for hardware encoding. Deleting it solved my prolem. Love channels-dvr! Keep up the amazing work!