User Friendly .m3u export options

It's undocumented... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

right, expect for here it is not.

Fair enough.
Let us know when you discover it!

i would assume since they are using /### there is some syntax for how it all works.


what other ones are there? someone search the forms and post full list? or is there a post of that already?

The one who asks should try that.
/ANY means any DeviceID
Check for them
And the json "Channels": [ will have "Favorite": 1 for favorite channels
But I don't know how to pull an m3u with only favorite channels.

that with my server ip just gives a huge page of text. what is that? seems to list everything. codecs and channels and so many fields.

If you can't parse the JSON output, then what are you looking for? A completely boneheaded point-and-click interface to a completely unsupported API?

The whole point of the DVR server API is that it is undocumented and unsupported. What works today may not work tomorrow.

If you want to figure out what works, enable the logging on your server and use a packet sniffer. If that doesn't make sense to you, then perhaps you should stick to the published documents for support.

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this and only this

Edit: found an old post


This gives me a nice spaced out list..but it is just tve, missing OTA.
That seems to work.
However, i di manage to export .m3u of each TVE source separately. It only shows my favs, as I have eveything else not fav disabled, so it must not populate that.


Did you ever bother to use the search. This is the second top post for the same content:

(That link is to the previous thread ... which will direct you to the proper post and answer. Just a hope that maybe you'll search for answers already given, instead of relying upon constant responses. Normally I may give leeway, but for such a regular poster, you really ought to know better.)

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search rarely works for me. too small and formatted wrong, maybe mobile issue. away form pc for a while.


You frequently miss the point of people posting. :man_shrugging:

The whole point of the OP post is to make it easy to do what is already implemented.
Why bother having to paste in a url, when u can just have a button on the admin UI that does it for you. fast and easy.
Making something easier and visible is not at all superfluous.

I guess u all are saying in so many words, that since it "un-documented API functions" that is your way of saying that the devs do not want users to know of or use this function or ability, thus they will never make it a obvious option.? Is that so? then just say so.

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We have no idea what the devs think. Only they can answer that question.
I'm all for adding ease of use functionality, but the devs have final say on what is implemented.
Guess we're just too impatient at getting what we want and find these ways around it, knowing it may break with any update.

No. The whole point of undocumented API endpoints is that they are unsupported, and as such, subject to change. A user–facing button would be pointless, because such features are—again—unsupported.

I would think if they added the button it would be "supported"?



And again, you officially speak for the devs, or you are one of them?


Neither. But, the questions you ask have already been answered several times over. So, why expend energy, when your ephemeral answers are there.

In short: search for yourself and don't whine when it doesn't work, because it's not supported.

If you want a more professional or diplomatic response, then wait until your many–times–answered request has officially been addressed.

Never hurts to ask.
I'm still waiting for an "official supported" manual recording implementation, but meanwhile our workaround works.

Yes, the request is precisely to make something that unofficially exists today be made discoverable/documented/supported. While those of us that frequent the forums and are tech savvy may be able to take advantage of it now, I feel like the broader user community could also take advantage of it if the Devs decide to embrace it. I have read every single post on these forums for years, and I missed the specific ability of VLC to load in the m3u. Lots of users never visit these forums, and even if they do, they’re not going to search for it if they don’t know it exists. And even with the good instructions provided, lots of users would struggle to run the curl command to get the file.

In my mind, It would give us another option for users that are frequently asking for a “PC” client, at least for live TV. Perhaps it’s a bad idea for reasons I haven’t considered, but I thought it was worth suggesting. To me, it is just another cool feature of the product that many people don’t know about or aren’t savvy enough to take advantage of.

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I'm not opposed to adding links. It's easy to do and if it makes things more user friendly, that's great.

The issue is we never found a way to actually do it.

Anyway, I asked some VLC devs today and they said this should work: vlc://<url>. We can try putting that in a link and see what happens (<a href="vlc://http://x.x.x.x:8089/devices/ANY/...">watch in VLC</a>)


That would be extra awesome! I also wondered if you could launch VLC directly, but I wasn’t holding my breath on it. I was going to happy just to have some the URLs themselves and a little documentation/explanation of how to use them. :grin: Thank you for considering this, I think it will be very useful to many users!