Using Channels with TVE only

Channels is not free but if you are complaining about the cost, you might have bigger problems. :wink:

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I find that I save more money to get all the channels we want is XFINITY the streaming services are starting to nickel and dime people to death. Channels with 2 Primes and 2 Quatros is all I need.

Jake has a nice list. I have Philo also, but I've also added Pluto, Stirr, Plex, and Samsung. If I can find a program guide for it that works, I add it. Sure a lot of those are junk channels but I just create a custom list of what I like from it. I can't do that with ANY other service than Channels.

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Tvheadend has had this with their channel tags feature for years. While Channels offers a superior UX from any client-facing perspective that I have found, paired with a featureful front-end, TVH is quite the competitive DVR.

It all boils down. Are you willing to drink the KoolAid and join the ChannelsDVR cult.

Yum! Bet it's GRAPE.

Good point !

Note that if you get Tivimate, $25 lifetime, you can use an m3U generated by Channels DVR to supply a source for Tivimate, and Tivimate has MULTI-VIEW.
You can add as many screens as your hardware can handle.
I have found that with a Firestick 4 screens is the max.
For me, THIS multiview is a main reason for using Channels DVR during football season especially.

I gave up on Plex as my main app as it has to many limitations that matter to me and a lot of functions that don't.

I need TVE. In Plex I get about 20 Channels that are usable. In Channels I get about 600.

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My preference would be to not use Channels for only TVE. If I was going to do it, I would at least find some m3u playlists and let it be a way to combine and provide a great interface. But my primary use case for Channels is to have OTA from HDHRs streamed to all my TVs with DVR and a great UI. I also have the custom channels which I watch occasionally. But, if my city stopped broadcasting OTA, I would probably stop watching TV altogether and would just find a local venue to go for watching some of the live sports that I am interested in.

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A local venue with beer and hot wings sounds great ... :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I think a closer look into the cult would be deserved. Almost neurotic fear of allowing the product to be used in a way it wasn't envisioned by its authors, as if the first sale doctrine or the right to tinker did not exist.

Lol. “First-sale doctrine?” Now you’re trying to resell the software?

And nobody is violating your “right to tinker” either. Just don’t expect the developers to support your weird setup. As that isn’t the best usage of their time, either.

Also labeling it an “almost neurotic fear” is naive and rude. It’s a strange way to engage in a community if you’re hoping for respect.