Did you kill the action by using frequency: 0
Then replace the m3u file
Then trigger the action again
For now, you have to use ?v= instead of ?w= for youtube channels not using @channelname until he fixes it.
Did you kill the action by using frequency: 0
Then replace the m3u file
Then trigger the action again
For now, you have to use ?v= instead of ?w= for youtube channels not using @channelname until he fixes it.
ahh...ok looks like that sorted it out
But looks like it only works on the 3rd channel.
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="abc7-news" channel-number="1",WABC News
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="wplg-news" channel-number="2",WPLG Local 10 Plus
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="france-24" channel-number="3",France 24
Becomes this
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="abc7-news" channel-number="1",WABC News
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="wplg-news" channel-number="2",WPLG Local 10 Plus
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="france-24" channel-number="3",France 24
# yt-source=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8PMl7tUDIE
Can't you use the @channelname/live for those youtube channels?
Like https://www.youtube.com/@abc7NY/live
Ahh, I see they have 3 live streams going https://www.youtube.com/@abc7NY/streams
I gave up using the watch?v= since those change, but the @channelname/live should always redirect to the latest live stream.
That explains it.
Those first two are no longer live streams.
The v=ID has changed
Check these links out
Here is what you would see in the DVR log
[ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6984: missing URI for M3U entry: abc7-news
[ERR] Failed to start stream for ch10.4: missing URI for M3U entry: wplg-news
Addressed in bnhf/olivetin:latest (aka bnhf/olivetin:2025.01.01).
Doesn't look like your updated script made it to the new image.
Still failing and the updater.sh is same as old version.
Classic "updated it, but didn't click save scenario" -- please try it now...
Sorry for the whiplash, but if you did this and updated to the latest OliveTin for Channels, you'll have to undo it. Put the ?w= back in.
For anyone that did that workaround until you fixed the code today.
If they changed their m3u file from ?w= to ?v= to workaround the bug, now they'll have to change it back. Since you fixed the bug, ?v= doesn't work anymore.
UPDATE: Ignore the below. I didn't realize there was actually a stack within OliveTin called "static-file-server". For anyone else looking, you can find this in the stack, down under "Containers" where it lists olivetin and static-file-server (mine is actually static-file-server2, but I suspect that's something I did at some point).
Any idea on how to find the "static file server port" from the Olivetin stack? Under "Published Ports" I have 1337:1337, but this:
gives me an error ( invalid source url: Get "
": dial tcp connect: connection refused) when I try to create the custom source.
Yes, it's a service within the OliveTin for Channels Portainer stack.
Each service is a container.
I've asked bnhf if he could add support for a "roll your own" style m3u file.
This would be useful for those comfortable creating their own m3u files.
It would look like the Kister method m3u file, but the URI would be the youtube live stream website url, instead of the Kister method https://kister.net/mpl/yt2m3u8?w=
This was just added to OliveTin for Channels 2025.01.02
Using his first post example
My new "roll your own" version looks like this
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="KittenAcademy" channel-number="1234" tvg-name="Kitten Academy" tvc-guide-placeholders="3600" tvc-guide-title="Kitten Academy Live Stream" tvc-guide-description="If there is nothing going on, you can rewind the stream up to 12 hours to see action. If you want to chat with us and the other viewers, there's a 24/7 Discord chat" tvc-guide-art="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R7vrbiDi0Tc/maxresdefault.jpg?v=d780" tvg-logo="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R7vrbiDi0Tc/maxresdefault.jpg?v=d780",Kitten Academy
For this example
My new "roll your own" version looks like this
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="AlJazeeraEnglish" channel-number="1235" tvg-name="Al Jazeera English" tvc-guide-placeholders="3600" tvc-guide-title="Al Jazeera English | Live" tvc-guide-description="Stay Informed: Watch Al Jazeera English Live" tvc-guide-art="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gCNeDWCI0vo/maxresdefault.jpg?v=640a78c8" tvg-logo="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gCNeDWCI0vo/maxresdefault.jpg?v=640a78c8",Al Jazeera English
Still unable to play YouTube Live channels, even with OliveTin. I have used Kister Method for months for YouTube with no issues. Am having same issues, as others here. Any help is appreciated!
Installed OliveTin and created m3u using both Kister format and "roll your own" examples (Kitten Academy and AlJazeera). Still getting errors when trying to play any of them in ChannelsDVR. However, I added a "non-YouTube" Internet streaming link to the OliveTin m3u, and this stream plays fine. So, I believe the OliveTin install is good. Just appears to be a YouTube issue.
Kister format error: "Remux starting" and just spins.
"Roll your own" format error: "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed, or because the format is not supported."
Troubleshooting I have tried:
The m3u YouTube channels play fine using VLC, so doubt router is blocking anything.
ChannelsDVR/OliveTin both on a Synology NAS. Firewall is disabled.
The m3u using OliveTin works fine with "non-YouTube Internet stream".
Disabled old Kister sources and did "Delete and Recreate Database".
Here is my m3u:
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="yt2m3u8-@KittenAcademy" channel-number="0.1000" tvc-guide-art="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R7vrbiDi0Tc/maxresdefault.jpg?v=d780" tvc-guide-description="If there is nothing going on, you can rewind the stream up to 12 hours to see action. -- -- Is there something we should know about? Do you have a question for us? Email us at headmaster@kitten.academy. If you want to chat with us and the other viewers, there's a 24/7 Discord chat accessible to our suppo" tvc-guide-placeholders="false" tvc-guide-title="Kitten Academy Live Stream" tvg-logo="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R7vrbiDi0Tc/maxresdefault.jpg?v=d780" tvg-name="Kitten Academy",Kitten Academy
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="KittenAcademy" channel-number="1234" tvg-name="Kitten Academy" tvc-guide-placeholders="3600" tvc-guide-title="Kitten Academy Live Stream" tvc-guide-description="If there is nothing going on, you can rewind the stream up to 12 hours to see action. If you want to chat with us and the other viewers, there's a 24/7 Discord chat" tvc-guide-art="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R7vrbiDi0Tc/maxresdefault.jpg?v=d780" tvg-logo="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R7vrbiDi0Tc/maxresdefault.jpg?v=d780",Kitten Academy
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="yt2m3u8-gCNeDWCI0vo" channel-number="0.1001" tvc-guide-art="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gCNeDWCI0vo/maxresdefault.jpg?v=640a78c8" tvc-guide-description="Stay Informed: Watch Al Jazeera English Live: @Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless'. -- Reaching more than 270 million households in" tvc-guide-placeholders="false" tvc-guide-title="?? Al Jazeera English | Live" tvg-logo="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gCNeDWCI0vo/maxresdefault.jpg?v=640a78c8" tvg-name="Al Jazeera English",Al Jazeera English
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="AlJazeeraEnglish" channel-number="1235" tvg-name="Al Jazeera English" tvc-guide-placeholders="3600" tvc-guide-title="Al Jazeera English | Live" tvc-guide-description="Stay Informed: Watch Al Jazeera English Live" tvc-guide-art="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gCNeDWCI0vo/maxresdefault.jpg?v=640a78c8" tvg-logo="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gCNeDWCI0vo/maxresdefault.jpg?v=640a78c8",Al Jazeera English
What version of Channels DVR are you running?
What version of OliveTin for Channels are you running?
What is the name of the Channels source you created?
What is the name of your m3u file?
What does this mean?
What version of Channels DVR are you running? 2025.01.03.0234
What version of OliveTin for Channels are you running? 3.9
What is the name of the Channels source you created? YouTubeLive
What is the name of your m3u file? YouTubeLive.m3u
More explanation about the "non-YouTube Internet stream": I tested adding code with a stream "not hosted on YouTube" (but from another website) to the "YouTubeLive.m3u". This stream works fine with ChannelsDVR accessing it through OliveTin. The only streams not working are the ones hosted on YouTube.
You are either looking in the wrong place for it (compose?) or are running the wrong OliveTin.
What does your m3u file look like right now, after OliveTin for Channels has processed it?
For the lines that begin with this, paste only the part I'm showing and delete everything after what I'm showing when you paste it here (your Internet IP address is in there further to the right)
Sorry, I was looking at the Docker compose file Version.
OliveTin version: 2025.01.02