I've created an OliveTin-for-Channels Action for @Phillip_Berryman's TubeArchivist Processing Script. In addition I've added a Project One-Click Action to install TubeArchivist itself:
It's a fairly easy setup if you already have OliveTin-for-Channels installed. but I thought I'd create a separate thread specifically covering getting this up-and-running.
Installing TubeArchivist:
HOST_PORT, TA_HOST, TA_PASSWORD, TZ and HOST_DIR are the most likely fields you'll need to personalize.
TA uses port 8000 by default, which is used by Portainer, so I've defaulted it to 8010. The other ports are only exposed within the stack, so you can generally leave those as is.
TA_HOST is the hostname (must be resolvable on your LAN) of system running TA, and in this case it's the same as your Docker Host -- you can also use your IP address.
TA_PASSWORD is the initial password you'd like to use for TA, so if you set this now you'll be good-to-go.
TZ is in the usual Linux format, with Continent/City the desired construction.
HOST_DIR can be a little tricky to understand, but if you use the same value you used for DVR_SHARE when you setup OliveTin (and have tested it's correct with the OliveTin Post-Install Healthcheck), you'll be golden. Your downloaded TA videos will then be saved in the same location as your CDVR recordings, under a folder named tubearchivist
, all set to have metadata downloaded, be renamed, and moved to Imports/Videos by the TA Processing script.
At this point you'll be able to subscribe to YouTube Channels, and download desired videos:
Next, you'll want to get the OliveTin Action running:
If you're not already aware, Actions that are running on a recurring basis are shown in green. My TubeArchivist Processing Script Action is already running.
dvr, frequency and youtube_api_key are all required. You'll need to setup an API key, if you don't already have one. To check if you have one setup, go to the Google Developer's Console. I had one from years ago I setup for Kodi, and it still works.
When TA Processing Script runs, it'll rename your videos (stored by TA using YT video ID in Channel folders), and move them from tubearchivist
to Imports/Videos
. They'll be renamed based on their metadata, and placed in folders by subscribed channel. NFO files will also be created.
Once that's complete, the videos should be organized with readable names and available for viewing in your CDVR client: