Hey all, for the past 5 days or so, we're experiencing some extremely laggy response time when fast forwarding, rewinding, & pressing the skp commercial button. Nothing has changed in my setup.
Has anyone experience this behavior?
ATV 4k, 2022 model, 17.0 TVoS
I just updated my ATV and I’m noticing some lagging as well. I thought I hit the wrong button on the commercial skip and then hit it again and it paused. So, yes, same issue. I haven’t updated my server in a few days, so I might try that.
Lag with skipping is generally network-based. It is highly unlikely any software change to the DVR would be culpable. (Unless you made a major update to a system's OS; but given that nearly no one is reporting a similar issue, chances are likely this is not software related.)
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Channels Pauses After Pressing "Skip Commercials" Button in New Release
Updated per instructions.
Confirmed version 5.7.4
Apple TV 4k, 2022, Siri remote
Playback controls; ff, rw, commercial skip still laggy
Laggy recording seeks are usually caused by insufficient bandwidth between the client and DVR PC. Could be a wifi issue. You can run a speedtest on the Apple TV to see what it says.
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