Video goes blank frequently only on Apple TV

I've been using Channels TV for nearly a year. I've got 3 Amazon Fire TV devices and 1 Apple TV 4K device. Recently, the Apple TV device has the picture black out randomly. Audio continues fine, but no picture. I watched a show on my PC laptop through Edge, and it worked fine. No screen blacking out. Same on my Amazon Fire TV. I've tried rebooting the Apple TV and I checked the connections which all seem fine. How can I troubleshoot further? Any ideas on what might be wrong?

Does the AppleTV video go blank only on ChannelsDVR app, or does it happen on other apps?

If it happens on all apps, it's a problem with apple hardware. Contact Apple about warranty repair/replacement.

Sorry for not replying back sooner. It's only on Channels.

Does changing the Video Driver in Settings make a difference?

Do you mean the video transcoder settings from the web settings or something in the AppleTV Channels app?

Oh, and the video blacks out for 500ms or so, then it comes back. It's pretty fast, obvious, but it's not like a multi-second drop out.

In the app. Settings -> Playback -> Advanced.

I've changed it to Legacy. I'll (hopefully) remember to provide an update tomorrow. I'll need to watch TV for an hour or so to see if it has changed.

Switching to Legacy fixed the issue. Do you need/want any other information to try to figure out what's wrong with the other mode?