Video stall during h264 recording playback

I’m having an issue with some recordings lately, and i’m hoping there is a community reccomendation/solution out there.

When playing back recordings from my mac made through channels DVR using my Silicondust HdHR Extend recording to my mac, i’m seeing period video freezes…audio continues to play, and the video eventually (after a few seconds) catches up and begins again.

I’m cabled between my mac and tuners, going through a switch.

Has anyone run into this and found a solution?

What device are you watching on?

Apple Tv 4k

And the ATV4K is wired in too, or on wifi?

If you try to view those recordings on your computer with VLC, do they show the video freeze at the same time?

It happens on a cabled 4K, a wireless older Apple TV 4 and on the app on my phone

I haven’t tested with VLC

Tested with VLC after duplicating the issue tonight when watching a recorded show on my phone.

VLC played the file back correctly on my mac.

And does the Apple TV always freeze at the same point in the recording?

No, it varies.

Happens both on my phone and Apple TVs.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Problem watching recordings

On the DVR web settings page, under your HDHR, what is the transcode setting?

I have two HDHR Extends, both are set to heavy.

Try the beta app I sent you and see if it’s any better

Grabbed it and installed, i’ll let you know.

Issue repeated, but recovered faster in beta

When it happens in the beta, go to the Settings tab and click Submit Diagnostics at the bottom.

Happened last night during playback, I did submit diagnostics at that time.

FWIW, I did notice this on a couple of non-transcoded recordings on my 4K this week (only a couple). The video froze at the same place on each pass, audio kept going. Infuse played them correctly (albeit without captions).

Happens to me on both iOS and tvOS, recordings play fine with VNC on my desktop.

Do you have a short recording that shows the problem? Can you upload it to google drive or similar and send me a link to it ([email protected]) along with the timestamp where the problem appears.