Vidgo and Access to the NFL Network & the RedZone

I dropped my subscription to Vidgo back at the beginning of December when they were having problems with TV Everywhere. I temporarily switched to Sling TV, and yesterday when my Sling subscription expired, I switched back to Vidgo because I was assured that all of the channels my wife and I watch, were working again via TV Everywhere and Channels. I've updated my Channels DVR Server to version #2022.01.01.2223, deleted Sling as a source, and then added Vidgo.

All of the TV Everywhere channels I had with my Vidgo Plus plan prior to their TV Everywhere problems are accessible except for the NFL Network and the RedZone. Both are working using the Vidgo app, and I'm able to log into the NFL Network to watch NFL Live and the RedZone using my Vidgo login & password.

When I edit the Vidgo source, both the NFL Network & RedZone show "no login form found". What do I need to do to get Channels to log into the NFL Network and RedZone so I can watch them via my Channels DVR system?

Make sure your chrome or headless chrome is up to date. DVR web UI Support>Troubleshooting should tell you.

Try using the Update Password in the gear dropdown next to your Vidgo source in the Channels DVR web UI. Just key in your existing password there.

Then reboot your DVR server and recan those channels.

If that doesn't work, submit DVR diagnostics.

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Updated Chrome then stop and restarted Channels DVR server on my server. Ran a rescan of the two channels and Channels DVR server was able to login.

Thanks for the suggestion and help.