View only scheduled recordings?

How do I view only a list of the recordings that are scheduled for the next 24 or 48 hours, without extraneous suggestions? When I select "on later" there is a bunch of crap in there that I have no interest in.

Click DVR and then Schedule.

Is there a way that I can schedule recordings as a "team pass" for some NFL football team prior to it showing up in the guide (for this fall for example)?

If you tell me the team I can look it up and then you can use its ID to create an Advanced Pass with the TeamIDs == XXX condition:


This sounds like a really cool feature! Is there perchance a master list of TeamIDs available somewhere? If not, I would be interested in ID's for the Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Brewers. Thanks!

Packers: 42

Brewers: 16

Excellent, thank you!

Damn, the Brewers lost 42-16, I was really rooting for them!!! :wink:

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Old topic, but is there a list of TeamIDs available? I'm looking into setting up Advanced passes to record US Soccer MNT and WNT. Thanks

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