Hi All,
I’m new to Channels and I'm hoping for some advice as to whether or not what I’m trying to achieve can be done.
I am based in the UK and trying to set up Channels with my HDHomeRun for local UK channels and I’m also hoping to attach a m3u playlist for Italian TV. The HDHomeRun works perfectly for UK channels, but I’m struggling to add the m3u as a source for Italian channels.
The m3u links are here and are just streams running from official Italian networks: GitHub - Tundrak/IPTV-Italia: Collezione di link a canali TV e Radio italiani visibili e ascoltabili da Internet con un media player
The content is geo-restricted and needs to go through my VPN in Italy. Opening the m3u in VLC works fine when connected to Italian VPN, it also works fine with TiviMate on my Android TV, also with the VPN connected.
What would be the best way to get this into Channels? I have tried running the Channels server in Docker, with the container running through the same Italian VPN in another container. The channels are found (71), but I cannot get them to play on a device that is connected to the server. Even with the device connected to the VPN. I have also tried running the Channels server on a Mac Mini (VPN connected), with the same results.
Is it likely that I’m missing something obvious? I’d really appreciate any guidance from an expert here! thanks