Virtual Channels Next Movie Always 3/4 Underway

Is anyone else having issues with virtual channels not starting the next movie from the beginning? I know if you pause or skip ahead you will see that reflected in the progress of the next movie, but I’m seeing this behavior with movie I never pause or skip around in, and even if i start watching an in progress movie that is almost over— next movie starts 3/4 of the way. This has never been the case before, so not sure what changed.

server version: 2022.04.21.1658

I wonder how the schedule grid deals with the commercial skipping? I have a movie channel setup, but not the time or inclination to tinker with it right now.

I'll report back when it becomes annoying for me :upside_down_face:

i restarted the server and updated to 2022.05.12.2238, and now it all seems to be working fine again. not sure if the reboot or update fixed it, but back to normal.

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