Visual bug on web admin from phone with long filenames in library

The episode names have underscores instead of spaces between words, which make long strings.
They are displayed over the season and episode numbers.

I will correct the names and replace underscores with spaces so that they look better.

This looks like the DVR webUI, not the phone app. Or am I mistaken?

This is the Channels DVR Server web admin, not the Channels app, as @racameron suggested.

What you are seeing is the filename, not the title of the show. The title of the show is Pilot and is working fine.

What's happening is that the filename is overflowing, and we should be able to fix it up. You do not need to do anything. This is not Android specific at all.

I have edited the topic title to reflect actuality.

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This has been resolved in the latest pre-release:

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Can this fix be expanded to all views? Or perhaps only show the filename in the view and not the full path since the full path is part of the Options modal.


(Yes, my library is convoluted and way too detailed but I haven't figured out how to move imported media without starting the import from scratch and losing the existing metadata.)

It is on all views. The path no longer shows unless your browser is at a certain wide enough width.

Hmm those screenshots are from 2023.11.06.1738.

One season seems to put the path in a nice column

But another season doesn't quite do it.

I do backend, suck at frontend so I'm not sure how to help. window.innerWidth is 1087.

I might have confused things, I meant on non-mobile as well.

Yes, there are not mobile vs desktop views. The views are responsive and are laid out different based on the width of the browser window. The paths are still showing for you because your browser is wide enough to show them.

The items showing in your screenshot are both using the same component, so I'm not sure why it's not breaking on the spaces, like the top one.

I think i'm going to just remove these paths, and we'll be able to find them in View Details. Paths with no spaces can not line break because there's no spaces, and honestly there's no getting this working well with all the variabilities, it's also not that important of metadata.

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Thanks, I appreciate it. Easy to manage the layout when you control the filenames like in recordings but bringing in imports that have varied delimiters is unwieldy. Some of my files are dot delimited with hyphens and underbars for category, some are hyphen delimited with underbars. Can't see any real pattern that would work across the board.

Wasn't there a tip the developers link in the Discourse menu somewhere? I can't seem to find the link anywhere now.

It's in the profile tab (furthest right) in the menu you get when you click your avatar.

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OK, Buh-bye.

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Indeed, you are correct. I got confused because I also had the app open at the same time.
Good catch.

Thank you for the correction.
I knew it and was thinking it but somehow ended up writing "title" instead. :roll_eyes:

Hey, if I'm going to be wrong about something, I might as well go all the way! :joy:

Cool. Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the quick fix!
Great support as usual. :+1:

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