Web player buffering

That sounds like it is likely a client-side issue. The browser is responsible for keeping the A/V sync, so there isn't a lot of things that we would expect we are doing to impact that.

Does anyone else have the audio sync issue while watching on a PC? It makes programs virtually unwatchable for me. Everything starts out in sync and then drifts out of sync over time. I have tried different settings, different browsers, etc. but nothing ever seems to fix it except to continuously close and restart the streams.


I'm having audio sync issues when watching a TVE channel in the browser. Chrome.

Didn't see you can now select a different player, such as VLC. I'll test and see if this fixes the issue.

Where do you see that option?

Thanks @CubsWin ! I literally just saw the option after I hit post on the original. Thanks!!

3 posts were split to a new topic: Web player buffering issues