Web UI Date Format

Is it possible to change the date format used by the Web UI? I thought it would pick up the format used by the underlying platform, but it always seems to use the U.S. date format?

Is there something I need to change to use U.K. date format?


On the Settings tab, under Status > Uptime does it show in US or UK format?

Can’t tell, at the moment it just says ‘Last Saturday’…
Although the log file entries have UK date format at the start of each line?

It’s now been up for a week now and can see the uptime date - it’s in US date format.

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Don’t know if you looked any further into this, but I noticed that it’s now also showing IST as the timezone - don’t know how long it’s been showing that? I assume it doesn’t make any difference to the DVR schedule?

Anyone else in the UK see US-format dates in the Web UI? Or is it just me…

Sorry for the delay here. I put in a fix in the latest pre-release DVR build. To try it out, hold SHIFT and click Check for Updates. Let me know if it works.

Yep, that seems to have fixed it! The timezone still says IST, but that doesn’t seem to affect anything…
Thanks again.

I noticed the timezone is also set to IST, in my case I'm running Channels DVR on a Synology NAS, set to GMT timezone. Not sure if it's an issue or not though.