Why did I lose the show’s cover art?

For some reason, only on the Apple TV, the Late Show cover art is missing, and has been persistently missing for several days now. It’s fine on my iPad, and also on the admin browser interface, so I know the art is there on the server, just not on AppleTV. Any ideas?

Mine has also been doing that, only since the last update. But, mine comes back fairly soon.

It’s possible it happened upstream from Gracenote. This isn’t something that happens a lot, but it’s possible it’s either broken there, or they pulled it irresponsibly.

Try updating the art from your web admin to fix this.

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Hi @Maddox, as I mentioned before the art is fine when viewed via the admin interface. It is also fine on my iPad. Not sure how the upstream problem could cause just the Apple TV part to not work. Anyway I just tried updating the artwork (temporarily changed to a different picture, and changed it back to the correct one), and the problem still persists only on that Apple TV.

Additional facts that I just uncovered: I have 2 Apple TVs. On the other one, it is fine, just as it is fine on the iPad. ALSO, on the Apple TV where I have the problem, if I click on the Home button on the left panel, and then click on the TV Shows button in the Home section, it is fine! It's only when I click on the TV Shows selection on the left panel that the problem appears, and it is stubbornly persistent. There does not seem to be a way to say "refresh" on it. I am going to try the following 2 things now, and see if that fixes it:

  1. Reboot the Apple TV, to see if that clears some cache on Channels.
  2. Nuclear option: Uninstall and Reinstall Channels. Surely that should clear the cache.

Unless someone has other ideas, of course...

OK, rebooting the Apple TV fixed the problem. Devs, maybe you could look at something to do with the page cache, if that makes sense (I'm not a TVOS developer, so just spitballing here!)

FWIW, I have the older A1625 version of the Apple TV, with 32GB. I'm on TVOS 18.3.