Why is commercial skip so inconsistent amongst different channels?

I’m curious as to why commercial skip can be so spot on on certain channels such as Motor Trend and almost worthless on the History channel? Why does it range so significantly between channels?

Commercial skipping is quite complicated. The software looks for differences whenever there is a seen change. Some of the things that are looked for:

  • Change in video format
  • Change in what is on the screen, for example logos

When changes are detected, there is a timer and the change must last for that much time. If it doesn't, then it's not considered a commercial.

Channels uses two different algorithms to detect commercials. They use one for most channels and have a special one they developed for some of the TVE networks. While TVE video and/or audio quality may not be as good as the broadcast channels (cable included), the commercial skipping on these channels has been more reliable for me and I chose to record from those TVE channels.

The broadcast industry makes there living on commercials so they want to do everything they can to make there advertisers believe that there investment in commercial time has good value. They have invested in studding the commercial skipping software and doing things to trick it. For example, not changing video formats during an advertisement, putting up a logo during a add, etc. You can always skip forward and back to avoid advertisements.

Motor Trend uses smart detection.

Is this automatically enabled in the beta, or must I manually enable it?

Thank you :grinning:

On Certain TVE Channels smart detection is worst than regular detection.

Smart detection is used when it detects it can be used.
Only for some TVE and Custome M3U sources.
There is no list of channels it's used on.
There is only a hidden internal blacklist of channels not to use it on.

The way you can tell if it's being used on a recording is to look at the DVR log

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