Wife needs QVC in HD (I know, I know) [Stream Question]

Can someone explain (in really simple terms) how to add the QVC UK stream into Channels?

I think I have the stream which is freely available on their website: https://live-qvcuk.simplestreamcdn.com/live/qvcuk_main_clean/bitrate1.isml/live.m3u8

Question is how do I get this to work within Channels

Here is the support article that covers this:

Already tried this but it’s reporting 0 Channels

Ok. I’m not an expert but not sure. Perhaps there is something in the structure of the m3u that channels doesn’t like. Maybe the Devs can take a look. Here’s the text of it:




I just tested your URL and was able to get the stream playing no problem. Make sure the stream format is set to HLS. If it's still not working, you may have missed something when adding the URL to your m3u.

I included my m3u below for reference. Obviously you can change the name and channel number to whatever you like.

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="QVCUK" channel-number="2000" tvg-name="QVC UK", QVC UK

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this, I am still unable to get this to work -sorry. Does this look right?

Change the “Source” from “URL” to “Text”, and paste the information in that text box.

Just realised that -doh. Thank you again for your help

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Yes, like @racameron said you want the text I provided under "Text" and you don't need a custom URL in the XMLTV guide data field since Channels' guide provider has QVC UK guide data already available.

I clearly have nothing better to do tonight so I made a quick how-to with screenshots for you on how to map guide data to a custom channel. Hopefully this does the trick.


Thanks, I am however not seeing any options for the lineup like you

You put in an XMLTV instead of leaving that blank.