Will Channels convert to my tz?

I am testing out a different piece of software that outputs M3U and EPG and here is an example of a program output by it and channels doesn't read it right at all. I get almost no EPG in channels. Does this look it would cause a problem? And with the time set to +0000 will it convert to my lcoal tz or will I have to use timeshift to move it?

<programme start="20240721063000 +0000"
           stop="20240721080000 +0000"
    <title lang="en">ABC World News Tonight With David Muir</title>
    <subtitles type="teletext" />
    <desc>The latest news from America, </desc>
    <category lang="en">News</category>
    <category lang="en">Series</category>
    <length units="minutes">30</length>
    <icon src="..." />
    <episode-num system="dd_progid">EP01949416.3324</episode-num>
    <new />

It's normal to get data in UTC

So no need for any timeshifting?

ok, so I'm feeding data into channels that I know is correct and is in UTC. And it shows in the web guide as 2 hours off. It shows on my phone as correct. It shows on my Apple TV and in the app on my Mac mini as off by 1 hour. Not sure what time it's reading on these devices to be off

Is the clock on your browser correct?

yup. plus it's off on my Apple TVs and in the app on my Mac mini

since it's off by different amounts I can' fix it with time shift unless there is a timeshift option per app. I doubt there is

fixed it. Had a couple things on my end fouled up. Sorry for the noise.