Will this advance Pass work for Individual shows?

I want to keep all unwatched and 3 watched before I was keeping all ... But I do not use individual pass but catch all Prime ? Just would like to make sure the keep all and 3 unwatched will apply to the individual shows before I go live with it tonight.

That is a very interesting question!

I don't have the answer but I'm very intrigued and want to know the answer so I'm watching this thread.

This does not work the next day I found shows that only had 1 watched in the trash ... this concludes my experimenting with letting ChannelsDVR maintain space. When using advance passes.

I am wondering if I had 2 watched of any show the next show watched would be deleted even if it was a different title. Being that they are being recorded by the same pass.

Thank you for the update. This is good to know.

Maybe the developers can do something about it. :thinking: