Winter Olympics in On Later

NEW: Added Winter Olympics event browsing to On Later

This is super cool and working great.The only issue I see is that the tile for it is unlabeled, on both my AppleTV's. I'm running the latest TestFlight, I force-quit the app and relaunched, and Deleted and Recreated the Guide Database via the webUI just in case. It's still a blank tile.

Anyway, thanks for adding it! Such a great idea! :+1:t3:

CleanShot 2022-02-07 at 16.12.24

New TestFlight fixes this but is stuck somewhere on apple's side

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It’s also screwey on the mobile web ui when horizontal.

Installed the latest TestFlight and it's displaying properly on AppleTV now. Looks and works great. I love how it's organized by sport and the thumbnails with country flags (in Curling and Hockey) are perfect. This is excellent!


Not fixed for me, just downloaded latest beta for ATV and button artwork not displayed. The IOS version is fine.

Which version number?

Version 2022.2.8.1718

Please submit diagnostics from the apple tv app. This doesn't make much sense.

Just submitted from ATV

Your Apple TV app is not up to date, download the latest from TestFlight.

You're using the release app. Your version number: 5.2.2 (2.1.1549)

That version is not listed in TestFlight.

I listed the version you sent your diagnostics from. You were using the release version.

You were not using the beta, which has the changes to support this change.

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@Mutts1974 TestFlight works by installing a separate Beta app on the device you are running TestFlight on.

This means if you want to run the beta on your AppleTV, you must use the TestFlight app on your AppleTV to install the beta, and then run the Beta app that was installed on that device.

Sorry, I feel like a total idiot, thought I was running the beta on my ATV, turns out the beta was tucked away in a folder and the version on the main dock was the general release. Sorry for wasting your time.


I've made that mistake before too! Lol. I've found that the betas work so well (and get fixed so quickly if and when they don't) that I ended up just deleting the release version, to avoid any confusion. You can always re-download the release version from the App Store in the future if you need it.

"Opening" the installed version directly from within TestFlight (at least when testing for the first launch) is a good way to make sure you're launching the correct version, too.

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