Won't load on MacOS

Within the last week (or less) the beta IOS client will no longer run on MacOS. Launching the app results in an immediate crash.

I tried uninstalling and re-installing but it will not re-install from TestFlight because it seems to be restricted to IOS only now.

Was this an intentional change?

The stable version of the client is still available in the App Store and works just fine.

What version of macOS are you running, specifically?

Good question. MacOS Sequoia.

I saw the same thing today. What finally worked for me was uninstalling the beta, then installing it from the app store. You have to answer the prompts to allow channels privileges. It installed Channels 6.0.1 so I guess it's not the beta anymore.

Not sure how to get back on the beta track but it is working for what I need it to do at the moment.

Right. Same here. The released version runs fine but the beta will not even install anymore.

The TestFlight of Channels is is insta-crashing on my Mac running Sonoma, too.

I believe this issue began with this version a week ago:

That’s when I noticed the TestFlight of the iPad app was no longer showing up for Mac, and TestFlight itself says “Channels DVR Beta can only be tested on an iOS device.” Previously that was not the case.

The release version, however, continues to work fine.

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We've gotten mysterious errors after submitting to TestFlight recently that we think have something to do with this.

We're gonna try to resolve it. Keep an eye on the tvos/ios beta release notes.


Hoping for a fix soon as all of my channels shortcuts which rely on my Mac aren’t working…

Don't wait, for now, just install the app from the App Store.

Won’t there be a mismatch in shortcut actions between the public release and the beta such as show playlist, etc.?

Also, should I uninstall the beta version temporarily?

Actually, while your suggestion is incorrect, all the same shortcuts are on beta and release, you're right in that it won't work, because your Shortcuts are using the beta app, and not release. So outside of re-making them, you're correct, you're stuck right now.

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You can also go back and install an older version of the app via TestFlight.

This was corrected some time ago.